EMBOSS 2.5.0 available

ableasby at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk ableasby at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Thu Aug 8 08:43:46 UTC 2002

EMBOSS 2.5.0 is now available for download. As well as new programs
(e.g. mwcontam, aaindexextract) this release can handle chunked HTML,
sequences as values in EMBL rpt-unit entries, improved database
indexing, extensions to several programs and documentation corrections  
(documentation for the protein structure programs is being produced).
See the ChangeLog file for full details.

Jemboss beta 2.7 contains new features including improved file
management and file managers with pop-up menus, browsable EMBOSS help,
report formats and multiple selection and deletion of results. It also
contains a number of fixes and methods of speeding up of the response
of the interface. The Jemboss server includes code which can be used to
send the Jemboss batch jobs to a network queueing system. There are
also extra jemboss.properties parameters to define the environment
variables and the URL for the EMBOSS applications help.


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