Antwort: problem running

David.Bauer at SCHERING.DE David.Bauer at SCHERING.DE
Wed Apr 10 05:47:02 UTC 2002


Answer for question 2:

The PLPLOT_LIB must point to a directory with the .fnt files.
If you do a standard installation, then this is "/usr/local/share/EMBOSS".
Alternatively you can use the location where you unpacked the emboss tar file.
In that case it is the /.../EMBOSS-..../plplot/lib.
So if you use csh or tcsh you should have a
     setenv PLPLOT_LIB /usr/local/share/EMBOSS
in your .cshrc.

Hope this helps.


I followed the instructions and installed emboss on a Tru64 unix.  I ran
the test:
wossname -auto | more

and it worked (at least no weird errors).

But here are two problems:

1. Running jemboss gave me this:
Error: failed /usr/opt/java131/jre/lib/alpha/fast/, because
dlopen: cannot load /usr/opt/java131/jre/lib/alpha/fast/

2. Running abiviewer gave me this:
Reads ABI file and display the trace
Output sequence [outfile.fasta]:
Graph type [x11]:

Cannot open library file: plstnd5.fnt

Please set PLPLOT_LIB to the plplot/lib directory under emboss

Unable to open font file
Program aborted

Any hint would help.  Thanks!


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