emboss and mass spectrometry

Heiko Stölting hstoelting at esplora.de
Fri Nov 9 16:28:08 UTC 2001

Hi anybody,

I'm a new EMBOSS user und would like to know if there's any proteomics 
program within the package (2.0.1)? 
In detail, I want to perform large scale genome database searches with 
sequence tags obtained from de novo mass spectrometry following the method 
published by Küser et al. in Proteomics 1, 2001. The syntax would be: 
(mass1)TAG(mass2) where mass1 and mass2 are the N-/ C-terminal 
start/endmasses of a single peptide after tryptic digestion of the mother 
protein. PC-and Mac-Version programs that I've got (Bioanalyst, 
PeptideSearch) are obviously limited in the size of a single database entry 
(approx 1500 characters, much to small for a genome...). 
Now I'm looking for a program that could perform those database searches 
without such limitatioins. I think, I would need database entry sizes of 
about 1MB or even more.

Thanks in advance for any idea,


Dr. H. Stölting
Esplora GmbH
Petersentstr. 22
64287 Darmstadt
Tel.: 06151-166768

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