quick questions

David Mathog mathog at mendel.bio.caltech.edu
Thu Dec 13 17:33:48 UTC 2001

> Calculated values are intended to be calculated in the ACD file.
> such as W2H should be able to do this in JavaScript, though in some
> they have to simply treat values as integers.

The default value in this case is the end result of at least a hundred
lines of C code.

> Testing the command line will have real problems for your original
> because an interface might be writing every option, with what it
> the default value, on the command line.

That's a good point.  W2H isn't like that, but some other interface
might be.  I
guess it won't hurt to add a couple of extra booleans to cover those
whose default is difficult to calculate prior to the program running.

David Mathog
mathog at caltech.edu
Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech

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