Database access for EMBOSS

Claude Bonnard cbonnard at
Mon Aug 20 09:09:11 UTC 2001


It is not very surprising that SRS is the  best mode  for a fast access to the
sequence databases from EMBOSS. As I understood, the URL mode allows the access
to a SINGLE sequence and would not support the "USA" standard (wild card query)
as SRS mode does.

If it is the case, is there a solution when the SRS server is NOT on the same
machine, but on a machine which is dedicated to SRS? I have in mind a rsh type
of request and I would like to know if someone experience this type of problem
and could help me in solving that.

Thanks a lot


Claude Bonnard Ph.D.
ISREC (Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research)
Bioinformatics Group
Ch des Boveresses 155
CH-1066 Epalinges
phone: [41-21]-692-5891/-2236
  fax: [41-21]-652-6933

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