databanks in PIR format

Peter Rice peter.rice at
Fri Aug 3 15:07:39 UTC 2001

Guy Bottu wrote:
> >Quick fix would be to change the format in pir.i to be "plain" and run
> >srssection.
> I tried and it worked ! Thanks for the advice.
> Still, there must be some nasty bug hidden in the SRS code, since similar
> problem does not occur with EMBL and GenBank formats. Let's hope they
> can fix it.

"It's not a bug, it's a feature"

As it has been there since SRS 5.0 (at least) requres changes to the C
source code (so that PIR format behaves the same way as EMBL) it will have
to wait for a future release.

Meanwhile, the plain fix will work well enough - some software may want a
trailing '*' but probably most programs will be happy.


Peter Rice, LION Bioscience Ltd, Cambridge, UK
peter.rice at +44 1223 224723

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