EMBOSS/Exceed solution

Johann Visagie johann at egenetics.com
Tue Oct 31 13:46:58 UTC 2000

ableasby at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk on 2000-08-02 (Wed) at 10:33:02 +0100:
> Well, it works for us anyway. Val and I have had a look on two
> exceed setups, one where it failed and one where it worked.
> As we suspected it was a trucolor problem where the failure
> occurred.
> Go to the exceed configuration. Click on Screen Definition, then
> set Server Visual to Pseudocolour   and hopefully it'll work.

It seems that this problem is not specific to Exceed.  A user here recently
encountered an identical problem using X-Win 32 (another X Server for
Windows).  The solution was identical (though I can't recall exactly where in
the X-Win 32 configuration screens the change had to be made).

-- Johann

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