Patternlists, need for help

Henrikki Almusa henrikki.almusa at
Thu Nov 4 08:48:02 UTC 2004


I would be happy if I could get the pattern list things moving onwards. So 
reposting my questions from a while back. I could use the pattern lists 
already, with fuzznuc after some changes. I haven't attached the patches 
(ajpat.c, ajpath, nucleus/embpat.patch and emboss/fuzznuc.patch) in this 
post, but can post them again if wanted.

1. How to do the acd overloading. In my patch to dreg and fuzznuc, I used 
string and then did what was needed in program. This is not probably the 
correct way, but ok for testing.

2. Should I add a search function into pattern lists? This would allow 
fuzz(nuc|pro|tran) to run regular expression pattern as well (thus obsoleting 
dreg and preg). This change would also mean that patterns in files would need 
a <type=[value]> attribute as well (value might a number or string). But this 
might cause confusion as mismatch values don't work with regexes (even though 
it would be there).

3. Is it ok to use '#include ../nucleus/emboss.h' in 'ajpat.c'? This was done 
as I needed functions from 'nucleus/embpat.h'. If this is not how it should 
be done then how?

4. Any thing else that needs to be fixed for inclusion into emboss? Any 
namings or such? Make the functions more similar to AjPFeattable (eg. 
ajPatternNew would put it to pattern list as well?

Any help on these  would be appreciated,
Henrikki Almusa

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