problem with List Files + SRS access

Guy Bottu gbottu at
Tue Jun 10 14:51:14 UTC 2003

from : BEN

	Dear support,
I just hit on a problem. I have an EMBOSS List File with more than 1000 entries 
that I try to give as input to an EMBOSS program. The program crashes with error 
message :
task_create() failed for pid 1307576: max_proc_per_user (=256) exceeded for uid

   EMBOSS An error in ajfile.c at line 125:
fork create failed

While the program is running, the command "ps x" gives :
1307703 pts/2      <+     0:00.00 <defunct>
1307706 pts/2      <+     0:00.00 <defunct>
1307713 pts/2      <+     0:00.00 <defunct>
1307714 pts/2    R  +     0:00.29 getz -e [EMBL-id:AF017184]|[EMBL-acc:AF017184]
1307720 pts/2      <+     0:00.00 <defunct>
1307722 pts/2      <+     0:00.00 <defunct>
1307729 pts/2      <+     0:00.00 <defunct>

Note that the EMBL databank is accessed by the "srs" method. For databanks 
acessed by the "emblcd" method there is no problem. Looks like a bug in the 
interface between EMBOSS and "getz", doesn'it ? (I am using EMBOSS 2.6.0 under 
CompaqTru64 5.1A).

	Guy Bottu

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