[DAS2] feature group assembly; proposals for simplification

Andrew Dalke dalke at dalkescientific.com
Thu Sep 14 16:08:52 UTC 2006

Me [Andrew]:
> I've been working on a writeback server.  It will verify that the
> feature groups have no cycles, that if X is a parent to Y then Y
> is a part of X, and that all groups has a single root.
> I'm having a hard time with that, and harder than I expected.

I listed three alternatives and am hoping for feedback by email
rather than waiting another 10 days for the next phone conference.
They are:

   FEATURE elements add a "root" attribute pointing to the top-level 
      for the feature group

   FEATURE elements must be listed in top-down order

   Features in the same feature group are inside a new element, as in
       <FEATURE ... />
       <FEATURE ... />
       <FEATURE ... />

Or, someone can show me a simple O(n) algorithm for building up the
feature group such that complete groups can be processed before
reaching the end of the feature data set.

Any comments?

					dalke at dalkescientific.com

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