[DAS2] how do I load probe sets into IGB now?

Ann Loraine aloraine at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 22:29:48 UTC 2005


Congratulations everybody on the new release of IGB!

I have a question about the new Quickload/DAS tab.

I'm trying to load some probe sets via DAS but can't figure out how to do it.

I used to be able to get them by using the "DAS" menu item, which
opened a widget containing a menu of DAS servers.  I would select the
one labeled AffyDas (or something like that) and then I would get to
pick the chip (more often, chips) I wanted to see. Then IGB would
query the server and get me the probe set design sequence alignments
for the currently-shown region.

I can't find this in the new interface.

Can you help?


Ann Loraine
Assistant Professor
Section on Statistical Genetics
University of Alabama at Birmingham

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