[DAS] LDAS database error

Girish Rao girish at genet.sickkids.on.ca
Fri May 27 10:42:42 EDT 2005

Hello All,

I have chosen to install LDAS and I am currently testing it. In fact, I 
was able to successfully test the LDAS Server using the test data given 
in the installation package.  However, upon creating a database 
containing our own data, I am getting an error message "Could not open 
database" when testing the LDAS Server.  Actually, I was getting this 
error message initially with the test database, but somehow the issue 
resolved itself, I am not sure what was changed to fix it.  Also, when I 
run the dsn command, our database is present in the output, so it is 
being recognized here.

If anyone could advise on the above issue, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your time.

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