[DAS] Bug (and fix) for Bio::Das

Vamsi Veeramachaneni vamsi at strandgenomics.com
Tue Jan 18 23:50:11 EST 2005


There is a bug in Bio::Das.pm (v 1.36 2004/06/21 03:11:37 lstein)

Script which shows the error:

use Bio::Das;
use strict;

my $das = Bio::Das->new(-source =>
			-dsn => 'homo_sapiens_core_25_34e');

my $segment = $das->segment("21");
my @types = $segment->types;


This dies with: "Not an ARRAY reference at Bio/Das.pm line 279"

line 279 is: my @dsn = ref $dsn ? @$dsn : $dsn;

At this point in the execution of my script $dsn is a Bio::Das::DSN
object, so the ref operator returns true. But $dsn is not an array
reference hence the error.

Suggested modification (works for me):

line 279 to: my @dsn = (ref($dsn) eq 'ARRAYREF') ? @$dsn : $dsn;


Specialist - Bioinformatics
Strand Genomics Pvt Ltd

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