[DAS] retrieve genes by name

Maximilian Haeussler maximilianh at gmx.de
Tue Jul 13 07:38:46 EDT 2004

> First of all, you need a DAS server that understands the IDs
> you're trying to use.  I'm a bit unsure wheather DAS is the
> right tool here though.  Try something like EnsMart instead
> (http://www.ensembl.org/Multi/martview).
OK, so I won't use DAS, that's nice to know. I couldn't really figure that out 
from the documentation.

> For bulk queries, or more complicated stuff, you might want to
> look into using the BioMart or Ensembl APIs.  DAS could be, I
> think, a bit too simple.  BioMart is discussed on the mart-dev
> (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/biomart/contact.html) list, and Ensembl on
> the ensembl-dev list (http://www.ensembl.org/Docs/).

Hum...I'm not sure, but when I use the ensembl apis, won't I miss a couple of 
model organisms? Arabidopsis, for instance? OK, there is 
http://atensembl.arabidopsis.info/ which might also be useable with the ensembl 
apis. So ensembl seems to be the most comprehensive way to go if I want to 
bulk-download genes of as many organisms as possible...


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