[DAS] PyDAS-0.8, including validation suite

Andrew Dalke dalke@dalkescientific.com
Fri, 6 Sep 2002 02:50:09 -0600

I've made PyDAS-0.8 available (temporarily) at

Included in the distribution is a validation suite called
'dascheck' which I wrote because of the various problems
I found in the different servers.  dascheck requires you also
download and install the PyXML package from

For example, here's the summary section of after run
against the latest LDAS server.  (I've been forwarding this
to Lincoln as I found them.)

Summary of results
WARNING: Incorrect DAS-VERSION header 'DAS/1.50', expected 'DAS/1.5'
WARNING: Server says stylesheet for DSN 'elegans' does not exist
WARNING: entry_point returns both 'size' and start/stop attributes
ERROR: Invalid XML: the document starts with '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?' -- missing the '>' after the last '?'
ERROR: Command 'sequence' not supported
ERROR: Returned XML in <dsn>/types request does not match the DTD: invalid attribute name ('summary') for this element ('GFF')
WARNING: The permissive parser was needed to read <dsn>/types
WARNING: <dsn>/types returns GFF version number '1.2', expected '1.0'
WARNING: <dsn>/types returns GFF with 'summary' attribute but that is not allowed by the spec
ERROR: segment id in 'types' call must contain 'version' attribute
WARNING: DSN 'types' contains unexpected 'href' field
ERROR: Invalid XML in the <GROUP>'s id attribute
WARNING: <dsn>/features returns GFF version number '1.01', expected '1.0'
WARNING: <dsn>/features GFF contains unexpected 'href' attribute
WARNING: Server says stylesheet for DSN 'freeman' does not exist
ERROR: returned dna length differs from request
ERROR: Could not call DSN test stylesheet: 500: Internal server error
ERROR: Could not call DSN test entry_points: 500: Internal server error
ERROR: Could not call DSN test types: 500: Internal server error
ERROR: Skipping other 'types' tests

The full output goes into extreme detail, especially when used with the
  --show-urls and '--save-dir <dirname>' options.  The first shows
the POST used as a GET url and the second saves all returned XML in the
named directory (or stdout if dirname is '-').

To run 'dascheck' in its simplest form:
  - uncompress/untar it
  - cd PyDAS-0.8
  - setenv PYTHONPATH $PWD
     (or the equivalent for bash shells)
  - cd bin
  - python dascheck http://...../dsn

If you run with "--help" you get the command-line parameters.
