[DAS] LINK command questions

Ethan Cerami ecerami@yahoo.com
Mon, 4 Nov 2002 10:45:44 -0800 (PST)

Hi Everybody:

>From my reading of Dave Wall's thread, I understand
that there are not any reliable implementations of the
LINK command.

However, I was hoping that someone could explain the
spec. to me.

The spec states that you must specify a field and an
ID.  Let's assume I have a feature ID = foo1, and
let's also assume that foo1 type = exon.  I can issue
the following commands:


this retrieves a web page with info. on the actual

Next, I can issue this command:


my assumption is that I will now get back a web page
with information about this feature type.  In this
case, I would get back some type of information about

Is that correct?

Second, the spec says that I can link to pages for a
specific type.  Let's say I want to look up
typeid=exon all by itself (without having a feature)

What would this request look like?


The field=type now seems redundant as exon is a type;
and leads to further confusion.  For example, can I
request the field=feature for an exon?

Any help would be appreciated.  Many thanks,


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