[DAS] we just setup a DAS:"Error retrieving features"

Stefano Tine s.tine@oxagen.co.uk
Thu, 28 Mar 2002 09:05:11 -0000

Try setting

<int name="schemaVersion" value="3" />

- Stefano

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Haiyan Wang [mailto:haiyan.wang@molgen.mpg.de]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 6:34 PM
> To: das@biodas.org
> Subject: [DAS] we just setup a DAS:"Error retrieving features"
> Hi, Everyone,
> We set up a DAS Server and configured a data source to 
> annotate Ensembl
> following the excellent instructions of Tony Cox.
> We ended up with a webpage at http://tomcat.molgen.mpg.de:8080/das and
> added it to the Ensembl DAS sources.
> However we get a "Error retrieving * .... features" in the contig-view
> of Ensembl, if we select our DAS-source.
> We also try to issue 'features' request at , for example
> http://tomcat.molgen.mpg.de:8080/das/EPD_promoters/features?se
> But Netscape tells us: "A communications error occured".
> Did anyone else face similar problems?
> BR
> Haiyan
> (Here is our 'dazzlecfg.xml')
> <dazzle xmlns="http://www.biojava.org/2000/dazzle">
> <!-- Human 428 data bridge -->
> <resource id="ensembl428_bridge" jclass="ensembl.EnsemblHolder">
> <string name="dbURL" 
> value="jdbc:mysql://kaka/homo_sapiens_core_4_28" />
> <string name="dbUser" value="anonymous" />
> <string name="dbPass" value="" />
> <int name="schemaVersion" value="4" />
> </resource>
>   <datasource id="EPD_promoters"
> jclass="ensembl.EnsemblGenericSeqFeatureSource">
>     <string name="ensemblHolderID" value="ensembl428_bridge" />
>     <string name="name" value="EPD_Promoters" />
>     <string name="description" value="Promoter positions" />
>     <string name="version" value="1.0" />
>     <string name="mapMaster"
>      value="http://servlet.sanger.ac.uk:8080/das/ensembl428" />
>  <string name="dbURL" value="jdbc:mysql://markov/epd" />
>     <string name="dbUser" value="wang_h" />
>     <string name="dbPass" value="ext002" />
>     <string name="tableName" value="EPD_promoter" />
>     <string name="stylesheet" value="stylesheet.xml" />
>   </datasource>
> </dazzle>
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