[DAS] entry_points

Brian Gilman gilmanb@genome.wi.mit.edu
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 15:00:43 -0500 (EST)


	i think it is time to revisit the lsid specification put forth by
the I3C and the SGMP specification put forth by avaki. SGMP is now being
hosted on sourceforge and is open source. LSID is hosted at the I3C and is
also an open source standard spec. These two specs will be merged in the
future. They both take care of the entry_points problem very nicely. I
will not do either of these specs justice so I encourage everyone to take
a look at them. i will try and post them to the this mailing list so we
can have a productive discussion. 



Brian Gilman <gilmanb@genome.wi.mit.edu>
Sr. Software Engineer MIT/Whitehead Inst. Center for Genome Research
One Kendall Square, Bldg. 300 / Cambridge, MA 02139-1561 USA
phone +1 617  252 1069 / fax +1 617 252 1902