[DAS] dsn

James Freeman jfreeman@variagenics.com
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 11:32:58 -0500

Seconded!  This would be very very helpful, and is a great idea.  A
suggestion is that people behind firewalls will not be able to post
their url's but they can capture their own output to a file and upload
that file to be checked.  A website that could handle both would be



Brian Gilman wrote:
> Hello all,
>         I think we need to start a new project under biodas for
> conformance testing to the spec. I have no problems having a go at coding
> this up as I think the community really needs this. I can image a simple
> web page where you input a URL to your DAS server and get a little table
> out that tells you if you pass or fail each test that we run. This testing
> suite would include sections for:
>         1) Properly formatted HTTP headers
>         2) Proper response codes
>         3) Valid XML
>         4) Proper parsing of GET/POST to the server
>         This can be written as a simple Servlet/JSP application so that it
> is easily accessible to all DAS providers.
>         what do others think of this??
>                                 Best,
>                                         -B
> -----------------------
> Brian Gilman <gilmanb@genome.wi.mit.edu>
> Sr. Software Engineer MIT/Whitehead Inst. Center for Genome Research
> One Kendall Square, Bldg. 300 / Cambridge, MA 02139-1561 USA
> phone +1 617  252 1069 / fax +1 617 252 1902
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