[DAS] Pathways

Cheung, Foo FCheung@tigr.org
Wed, 19 Jun 2002 10:02:49 -0400

 Hi LIncoln

I didnt have any specifics in mind, but I know there are a lot of
signal-transduction pathway software out there to get ideas from. 

But pathways would definitely be very exciting as everyone seems to be
getting into this in a big way. 

kind regards


-----Original Message-----
From: Lincoln Stein
To: Cheung, Foo
Cc: das@biodas.org
Sent: 6/17/02 9:29 PM
Subject: Re: [DAS] Pathways

Hi Foo,

The plan is that I'll soon introduce a "version 1.6" DAS that -- without

breaking compatibility with existing applications -- will introduce:

	1) features typed using the sequence ontology
	2) normalized feature groups (e.g. transcripts that share the
	3) fetch-by-feature-id using the I3C LSID system

Then I would like to introduce a GO association retrieval service, which
a gene ID retrieves the GO terms associated with it, and given a GO
retrieves the gene IDs associated with it.

A pathway service is further down the line, but I know a lot of people
eager to start working on it.  Why don't you write down what you'd like
see it do and post it to this mailing list?


On Thursday 13 June 2002 12:55 pm, Cheung, Foo wrote:
> Hello
> When are the pathway going yo be introduced to DAS?
> this would be way cool? I would like to be in on this.
> Honestly, the *sooner* the better!
> Could someone tell me how would it work?
> would it function something akin to "EcoCyc" where you can see the
> different pathways on the fly? and knock out genes and see the effects
> has on the pathway? is there an inference engine/expert system
> somewhere?
> Thanks
> Foo
> PS
> Thanks to Ensembl team esp. Tony for letting me put all my mouse
servers on
> their ensembl viewer. Very much appreciated!
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