[DAS] LDAS/DasClient problems
Mr Dmitriy Ryaboy
Fri, 1 Feb 2002 16:06:57 -0800 (PST)
Hi everyone,
I've been trying to set up a DAS annotation server at
http://zilla.lbl.gov/cgi-bin/das , but I keep running
into some problems.. I installed LDAS following
Lincoln Stein's excellent instructions, and using
slightly different test data (see below, along with
the .conf file). Ldasdump works, http query work.
When I try to view the annotation on Ensembl's
DasClient, however, I get the following error:
org.biojava.bio.BioError: Assertion failure: types
fetch hasn't happened yet
followed by the stack trace.
When I try to view it via the ensembl browser using
the "my data" option, it simply does not show up..
Any idea what could be happenning? Is it LDAS or
DasClient acting up?
Thanks for your help.
Dmitriy V Ryaboy
Data file:
7 Chromosome 163792587
Contig Contig_num noncoding Zilla 7 71902664 71904609
. . 89.4 1 1949
Contig Contig_num noncoding Zilla 7 71904635 71906190
. . 88.8 1950 3545
Contig Contig_num noncoding Zilla 7 71906197 71906593
. . 91.5 3658 4052
Contig Contig_num noncoding Zilla 7 71906903 71908121
. . 88.4 4057 5209
Contig Contig_num noncoding Zilla 7 71909258 71910351
. . 90.1 5213 6321
Contig Contig_num noncoding Zilla 7 71911326 71913995
. . 88.2 6347 9034
Contig Contig_num noncoding Zilla 7 71914014 71914195
. . 81.7 9557 9757
Contig Contig_num noncoding Zilla 7 71914208 71914666
. . 92.2 10071 10529
Contig Contig_num UTR Zilla 7 71914667 71916753 . .
90.5 10530 12649
#followed by more of the same
.conf file
description = Test annotations
adaptor = dbi::mysqlopt
mapmaster =
database = dastest
fasta_files =
user = cgi
passwd =
default = structural
translation = stop ATG CDS 5'UTR 3'UTR
transcription = exon intron transcript tRNA mRNA ncRNA
5'Cap TSS
PolyA Splice5 Splice3 misc_transcribed
variation = insertion deletion substitution
structural = Component clone primer_left
primer_right oligo assembly_tag misc_structural
similarity = similarity NN NP PN PP misc_similarity
misc_homology noncoding
repeat = microsatellite inverted tandom
transposable_element LINE misc_repeat
experimental = knockout expression_tag microarrayed
RNAi_result RNAi transgenic mutant misc_experimental
# information necessary for making links from das
client to web site
#default =
#exon =
#transcript =
#insertion =
default = http://zilla.lbl.gov
exon = http://zilla.lbl.gov
UTR = http://www-gsd.lbl.gov
noncoding = http://pga.lbl.gov
# map annotation types
entry_points = Component:Chromosome Component:Link
has_subparts = Component:Chromosome Component:Link
has_superparts = Component:Link Component:Contig
# filters to include and/or exclude certain feature
include =
exclude =
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