[DAS] Bio::Das 0.59
Titus Brown
Fri, 30 Nov 2001 11:38:56 -0800
-> > At the moment I'm writing all my stuff in Jython & taking advantage
-> ^^^^^^
-> Is this a typo, or Python-running-on-the-JVM?
www.jython.org -- Python running on the JVM.
It's really fun ;). You get complete access to the Java libraries & Java
classes as if they were Python modules, but in an interpreted rather than
in a compiled setting. Jython code tends to be about 1/2 the size of Java
code, and you don't have to worry about types as much. I think it's perfect
for middling-size Java programs (~15,000 lines or so).
The only downside is that you can't use any non-Python-native modules from
the (C)Python distribution. Oh, and Java is *really* slow, and Jython is
even slower.