[DAS] More annotation/Reference servers please

Titus Brown titus@caltech.edu
Fri, 30 Nov 2001 10:22:19 -0800

-> What annotations do people what?, what client functionality do scientist
-> want?, what is going to get scientists to adopt this technology? Why should
-> they adopt DAS? The bottom line is, DAS has to provide something that
-> "forces" scientists to use it, something that goin to break their habits of
-> going from one annotation web site to another. Its time to start thinking
-> Microsoft style :-)
-> I am not sure what that is? 

I think the first question is "what scientists are in your target audience?"
Wet-bench molecular biologists' interest in software extends about as far
as NCBI, unless their model organism's genome has been sequenced, in which
case they might do a BLAST search for some basic information.  And, in
general, I don't see bioinformatics software that caters to them (by being
"Microsoft style", point-and-click, for example).

Bioinformaticians are much easier to attract, I suspect, because they're
asking different questions for which these sorts of tools are not merely
a convenience but a critical requirement.
