[DAS] System requirements

Lincoln Stein lstein@cshl.org
Tue, 4 Dec 2001 11:35:55 -0500

Dazzle is a Java-based library that provides DAS services.  You need a
Java runtime, the Biojava library, and a web servlet engine such as
Apache/Jakarta. It uses a plugin architecture which lets you plug in
the following underlying databases:

    1) EMBL flat files
    2) GFF flat files
    3) Mysql using the Ensembl data model

LDAS is a Perl-based library that provides DAS services.  You need
Perl, the Bioperl library, and a web server such as Apache/Jakarta.
It also uses a plugin architecture for the underlying database, but
there is only one production-ready module at the current time:

    1) Mysql using the Bio::DB::GFF data model (relationalized GFF)

I don't have direct experience of the hardware requirements for
Dazzle, but LDAS runs fine on the following configuration:

	Pentium/450 laptop
	256 Megs RAM
	10 gig hard disk
	Linux operating system

This is for a database that combines the C. elegans annotations (5.9
million features), the D. melanogaster annotations (1.2 million) and
yeast (13,000).

I think the choice boils down to whether you feel more comfortable
with Java or with Perl.  Also whether you prefer the benefits of the
full-featured Ensembl data model or the simplicity of Bio::DB::GFF.


Todd Taylor writes:
 > Hello,
 > We are thinking about setting up a DAS server at our institute here in
 > Japan.
 > Can anyone give us some recommendations as for the installation system
 > requirements? What kind of system (OS, memory, hard disk, cpu) are
 > others running it on?
 > And, can anyone explain the difference between the Dazzle server and
 > LDAS?
 > I tried to find the answers to the above on the web pages and in the
 > archives with little luck, maybe looking in the wrong place....
 > I would really appreciate your advice/suggestions.
 > Sincerely,
 > Todd Taylor
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 > E-mail: taylor@gsc.riken.go.jp
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Lincoln D. Stein                           Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
lstein@cshl.org			                  Cold Spring Harbor, NY
