[BioSQL-l] CRC calculation

mark.schreiber at novartis.com mark.schreiber at novartis.com
Tue Aug 23 05:24:51 EDT 2005

Hello -

According the the BioSQL docs the CRC of the Reference table is a 
calculated checksum over the author, location and title fields. It also 
states that it helps ensure uniqueness. I have some questions:

1) Is the CRC constrained to be unique? If it is that could be a problem 
as CRC is not guarenteed to be unique for any String.
2) Is everyone supposed to use the same algorithm or is it dependent on 
the user?
3) If 2 then are you using CRC16 or CRC32
4) If 2 are you adding the independant CRC's of the author, location, and 
title or are you combining them in a String and calculating the CRC for 
the string. If that is the case then what is the form of the string?

- Mark

Mark Schreiber
Principal Scientist (Bioinformatics)

Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases (NITD)
10 Biopolis Road
#05-01 Chromos
Singapore 138670

phone +65 6722 2973
fax  +65 6722 2910

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