[BioSQL-l] location in features

Martina boehme at mpiib-berlin.mpg.de
Wed Apr 27 11:27:09 EDT 2005

I can't get rid of this exception:
org.biojava.bio.BioRuntimeException: BioSQL SeqFeature doesn't have 
any associated location spans. seqfeature_id=148

Can anybody help me?

put the sequence in:

Sequence seq = DNATools.createDNASequence(sequence, "AF100928");
Feature.Template templSeq = new Feature.Template();
		templSeq.source = "ncbi";
		templSeq.type = "gen";
		templSeq.location = Location.empty;

get it out:
seq = db.getSequence("AF100928");
System.out.println(seq.getName() + " contains " + seq.countFeatures()
					+ " features");	

seq.getName() works fine, but the seq doesn't have any features, but I 
can see them in the db.

What am I missing here?


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