[BioSQL-l] Seqfeature_Source

Thomas Down td2@sanger.ac.uk
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 23:53:57 +0100

On Fri, Sep 27, 2002 at 11:34:34AM -0700, Hilmar Lapp wrote:
> I've now got it working in the following way:
> 	- gene_name is an ontology term, its values go into 
> bioentry_qualifier_value
> 	- seqfeature_source values go into table ontology_term, with the 
> FK seqfeature_source_id on seqfeature now pointing to ontology_term 
> (the other FK ontology_term_id gives the seqfeature key [== 
> primary_tag in bioperl]).
> So, seqfeature_source remains normalized, but is treated as an 
> ontology term.
> Thomas, would this be OK with you? If anyone else doesn't like this, 
> please shout now.

Fine with me.  I'm still somewhat suspicious of putting anything
gene-specific into the schema (gene_name as opposed to a naming
system which can be applied to any kind of `interesting object').
But if it's doing the right things for you, go for it and we can
revisit the general case later on.
