[Biosoap-l] BOSC 2006 2nd Call for Papers

Darin London darin.london at duke.edu
Mon May 22 15:29:45 UTC 2006


This is the second and last official call for speakers to submit their
abstracts to speak at  BOSC 2006
in Fortaleza, Brasil.  In order to be considered as a potential speaker,
an abstract must be recieved by
Monday, June 5th, 2006.  We look forward to a great conference this
year. Please consult
The Official BOSC 2006 Website at:


for more details and information.

In addition, a BOSC weblog has been setup to make it easier to
desiminate all BOSC
related announcements:


And if you have an ICAL compatible Calendar, there is an EventDB
calendar set up with all
BOSC related deadlines.


More information about ISMB can be found at the Official ISMB 2006 Website:


Thank You, and we look forward to seeing you all,

The BOSC Organizing Committee.

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