[BioRuby] Bioruby HTML output

Pjotr Prins pjotr.public14 at thebird.nl
Tue Jan 19 20:52:41 UTC 2010

Dear Toshiaki,

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 01:21:54AM +0900, Toshiaki Katayama wrote:
> > I agree with Tomoaki it is too restrictive. What, indeed, if we want
> > to present the HTML in a different way?
> Hmm. Could you provide me some use cases?

Think of URL's. One user wants to point a gene ID to NCBI. Another
to Swissprot. The container can not be aware of all exceptions - and
really should not handle it.

> Override the output_html method, or, use some template engine to be
> more generic.

Maybe those are good mechanisms. In the pre-hackathon we should
discuss these points.

> I can agree some files became too large to learn and/or maintain.
> But if we try to change the structure of current code base,
> we need to define a clean criteria beforehand.


> If we separate files into sub files, people then need to look around
> the number of files, and it may also slow down the loading speed of
> the bioruby library. It is a problem of balance.
> In both cases, lack of excellent guide to read through the bioruby
> library might be a essential issue.

I think if we structure the files and modules well - and make them
small enough - they become self-explaining. That would be my ultimate

> At some time, we may do refactoring to produce BioRuby 2.0.
> Before doing that, we can discuss how to sit all classes/codes cleanly.
> We may need someone who understand entire structure/contents of
> the current codebase and willing to design a better one with a good sense.

Yes. I agree it is a big step. But we should go for this type of

> > Don't you think the Sequence, or KEGG, object should not care about
> > HTML? Or RDF, or plotting? Those are separate functionalities. They
> > share common access patterns - which are part of the DB class.
> Again, we can take both approach. My current proposal is conservative one.
> Just add these functionalities in each class as the class knows what is in it
> and what is the best way to represent the contents.
> If we separate formatting/plotting functionalities into separate class,
> which might be something like Bio::FlatFile class who knows the header
> line format of every database entries. Or we may design better one.

FlatFile has some downsides. It has complicated the libraries.
Complication means the modules are less easy to adapt/modify. I think
it is slightly over-engineered. Maybe not enough of a problem to take
it out, but I hope you see where I am coming from.

> Anyway, I'm now listening. So, please don't stick with HTML things only
> and think a global design to which we can plan to migrate.

I have to spend a day on a writeup. In the coming two weeks. I will
try to explain my ideas.

> Maybe from esthetics viewpoint?
> I think it looks better, and, we can easily switch the output format
> depending on the context without modifying the code.
> Something like a @media property in CSS (screen, print etc.) in mind.
> if used_for_semantic_web?
>   format = :rdf
>   # add some codes to do preparation job for SW
> elsif used_for_blast?
>   format = :fasta
>   # add some codes to do preparation job for blast
> end
> # we don't need to change the following line in any context
> entry.output(format)

I see your point. The criticism is that it obfuscates the real
intention of the code - i.e. it is not self documenting any longer.
But, I guess, this boils down to preferences and acquired tastes. It
is not obvious to a newbie, though it may be obvious for someone who
is accustomed to Bioruby internals. Which may be good - depending on
our basic values.


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