[BioRuby] development updates?

Anurag Priyam anurag08priyam at gmail.com
Tue Aug 10 20:00:06 UTC 2010

> I am trying to make you take a step back and think. Please don't be evasive.
> You do not know what happens offline on that list, nor do you know for any
> other mailing list or community - it's by the definition of the word
> "off-line" that you don't know. Just because you see a lot happening on-list
> doesn't mean that a lot can't also happen off-list.
> What you encountered is that the nature of things discussed online and those
> discussed offline is not identical between, say, the bioruby list and the
> git list. But that's not a surprise - pick any two lists or communities and
> you will find a difference. That is because a community's practices are
> defined by the people who populate them, and different communities are
> populated by different people.
> Those differences are not bad; rather, I suggest you try to appreciate them.
> What should ultimately count is the success of the community in fostering
> coherence, and in creating useful software.

Right. I understand your point and I am not being critical of the
differences. I have tried to explain my point below.

> If you feel that Bioruby is falling short on those counts, and that shifting
> the balance of things discussed onlist and offlist in a certain direction
> would help rectify that, then I think most if not everyone here would be
> curious to hear your specific thoughts. But just pointing to another
> community and saying it is different isn't very productive - it's just
> pointing out the expected.

I do not feel that BioRuby is falling short on any counts.

The jist of my mail was only this :

"Hey, guys on this list they do this X. I think that X is cool.
*Maybe* you guys will like it too. *Maybe* we could do it too."

I was just being enthusiastic about that X, and wanted to *share* it.
However things have gone totally awry. Maybe the way I essayed it down
was wrong, or maybe I failed to realize that I should be a little more
formal here. Or, maybe just that I should grow up a little more. I
tend to be overly enthusiastic about things. In any case, it is my
mistake and will you all please forgive me about it?

Anurag Priyam,
3rd Year Undergraduate,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
IIT Kharagpur.

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