[BioRuby-cvs] bioruby/lib/bio/compat references.rb,NONE,

Naohisa Goto ngoto at dev.open-bio.org
Tue Mar 4 10:07:51 UTC 2008

Update of /home/repository/bioruby/bioruby/lib/bio/compat
In directory dev.open-bio.org:/tmp/cvs-serv7295/lib/bio/compat

Added Files:
      Tag: BRANCH-biohackathon2008
Log Message:
Bio::References and backward-compatibility module (renamed to Bio::References::BackwardCompatibility) is moved to lib/bio/compat/references.rb

--- NEW FILE: references.rb ---
# = bio/compat/references.rb - Obsoleted References class
# Copyright::   Copyright (C) 2008
#               Toshiaki Katayama <k at bioruby.org>,
#               Ryan Raaum <ryan at raaum.org>,
#               Jan Aerts <jandot at bioruby.org>,
#               Naohisa Goto <ng at bioruby.org>
# License::     The Ruby License
# $Id: references.rb,v 2008/03/04 10:07:49 ngoto Exp $
# == Description
# The Bio::References class was obsoleted after BioRuby 1.2.1.
# To keep compatibility, some wrapper methods are provided in this file.
# As the compatibility methods (and Bio::References) will soon be removed,
# Please change your code not to use Bio::References.
# Note that Bio::Reference is different from Bio::References.
# Bio::Reference still exists for storing a reference information
# in sequence entries.

module Bio

  # This class is OBSOLETED, and will soon be removed.
  # Instead of this class, an array is to be used.
  # A container class for Bio::Reference objects.
  # = USAGE
  # This class should NOT be used.
  #   refs = Bio::References.new
  #   refs.append(Bio::Reference.new(hash))
  #   refs.each do |reference|
  #     ...
  #   end
  class References

    # module to keep backward compatibility with obsoleted Bio::References
    module BackwardCompatibility #:nodoc:

      # Backward compatibility with Bio::References#references.
      # Now, references are stored in an array, and
      # you should change your code not to use this method.
      def references
        warn 'Bio::References is obsoleted. Now, references are stored in an array.'

      # Backward compatibility with Bio::References#append.
      # Now, references are stored in an array, and
      # you should change your code not to use this method.
      def append(reference)
        warn 'Bio::References is obsoleted. Now, references are stored in an array.'
        self.push(reference) if reference.is_a? Reference
    end #module BackwardCompatibility

    # This method should not be used.
    # Only for backward compatibility of existing code.
    # Since Bio::References is obsoleted,
    # Bio::References.new not returns Bio::References object,
    # but modifies given _ary_ and returns the _ary_.
    # *Arguments*:
    # * (optional) __: Array of Bio::Reference objects
    # *Returns*:: the given array
    def self.new(ary = [])
      warn 'Bio::References is obsoleted. Some methods are added to given array to keep backward compatibility.'

    # Array of Bio::Reference objects
    attr_accessor :references

    # Normally, users can not call this method.
    # Create a new Bio::References object
    #   refs = Bio::References.new
    # ---
    # *Arguments*:
    # * (optional) __: Array of Bio::Reference objects
    # *Returns*:: Bio::References object
    def initialize(ary = [])
      @references = ary

    # Add a Bio::Reference object to the container.
    #   refs.append(reference)
    # ---
    # *Arguments*:
    # * (required) _reference_: Bio::Reference object
    # *Returns*:: current Bio::References object
    def append(reference)
      @references.push(reference) if reference.is_a? Reference
      return self

    # Iterate through Bio::Reference objects.
    #   refs.each do |reference|
    #     ...
    #   end
    # ---
    # *Block*:: yields each Bio::Reference object
    def each
      @references.each do |reference|
        yield reference

  end #class References
end #module Bio

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