[BioRuby-cvs] bioruby/lib/bio/io pubmed.rb,1.21,1.22
Katayama Toshiaki
k at dev.open-bio.org
Wed Nov 28 06:34:35 UTC 2007
Update of /home/repository/bioruby/bioruby/lib/bio/io
In directory dev.open-bio.org:/tmp/cvs-serv23044
Modified Files:
Log Message:
* all class methods are changed to instance methods (class methods are
still remained for the backward compatibility)
Index: pubmed.rb
RCS file: /home/repository/bioruby/bioruby/lib/bio/io/pubmed.rb,v
retrieving revision 1.21
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -C2 -d -r1.21 -r1.22
*** pubmed.rb 20 Nov 2007 15:22:03 -0000 1.21
--- pubmed.rb 28 Nov 2007 06:34:33 -0000 1.22
*** 79,83 ****
@@last_access = nil
! def self.ncbi_access_wait(wait = NCBI_INTERVAL)
if @@last_access
duration = Time.now - @@last_access
--- 79,85 ----
@@last_access = nil
! private
! def ncbi_access_wait(wait = NCBI_INTERVAL)
if @@last_access
duration = Time.now - @@last_access
*** 89,92 ****
--- 91,96 ----
+ public
# Search the PubMed database by given keywords using E-Utils and returns
# an array of PubMed IDs.
*** 107,111 ****
# * _rettype_
# *Returns*:: array of PubMed IDs or a number of results
! def self.esearch(str, hash = {})
return nil if str.empty?
--- 111,115 ----
# * _rettype_
# *Returns*:: array of PubMed IDs or a number of results
! def esearch(str, hash = {})
return nil if str.empty?
*** 119,123 ****
! self.ncbi_access_wait
response, = Bio::Command.post_form(serv, opts)
--- 123,127 ----
! ncbi_access_wait
response, = Bio::Command.post_form(serv, opts)
*** 139,143 ****
# * _ids_: list of PubMed IDs (required)
# *Returns*:: Array of MEDLINE formatted String
! def self.efetch(ids, hash = {})
return nil if ids.to_s.empty?
ids = ids.join(",") if ids === Array
--- 143,147 ----
# * _ids_: list of PubMed IDs (required)
# *Returns*:: Array of MEDLINE formatted String
! def efetch(ids, hash = {})
return nil if ids.to_s.empty?
ids = ids.join(",") if ids === Array
*** 153,157 ****
! self.ncbi_access_wait
response, = Bio::Command.post_form(serv, opts)
--- 157,161 ----
! ncbi_access_wait
response, = Bio::Command.post_form(serv, opts)
*** 170,177 ****
# * _id_: query string (required)
# *Returns*:: array of PubMed IDs
! def self.search(str)
host = "www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov"
path = "/sites/entrez?tool=bioruby&cmd=Search&doptcmdl=Brief&db=PubMed&term="
http = Bio::Command.new_http(host)
response, = http.get(path + CGI.escape(str))
--- 174,183 ----
# * _id_: query string (required)
# *Returns*:: array of PubMed IDs
! def search(str)
host = "www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov"
path = "/sites/entrez?tool=bioruby&cmd=Search&doptcmdl=Brief&db=PubMed&term="
+ ncbi_access_wait
http = Bio::Command.new_http(host)
response, = http.get(path + CGI.escape(str))
*** 187,196 ****
# * _id_: PubMed ID (required)
# *Returns*:: MEDLINE formatted String
! def self.query(*ids)
host = "www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov"
path = "/sites/entrez?tool=bioruby&cmd=Text&dopt=MEDLINE&db=PubMed&uid="
list = ids.join(",")
http = Bio::Command.new_http(host)
response, = http.get(path + list)
--- 193,203 ----
# * _id_: PubMed ID (required)
# *Returns*:: MEDLINE formatted String
! def query(*ids)
host = "www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov"
path = "/sites/entrez?tool=bioruby&cmd=Text&dopt=MEDLINE&db=PubMed&uid="
list = ids.join(",")
+ ncbi_access_wait
http = Bio::Command.new_http(host)
response, = http.get(path + list)
*** 216,223 ****
# * _id_: PubMed ID (required)
# *Returns*:: MEDLINE formatted String
! def self.pmfetch(id)
host = "www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov"
path = "/entrez/utils/pmfetch.fcgi?tool=bioruby&mode=text&report=medline&db=PubMed&id="
http = Bio::Command.new_http(host)
response, = http.get(path + id.to_s)
--- 223,232 ----
# * _id_: PubMed ID (required)
# *Returns*:: MEDLINE formatted String
! def pmfetch(id)
host = "www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov"
path = "/entrez/utils/pmfetch.fcgi?tool=bioruby&mode=text&report=medline&db=PubMed&id="
+ ncbi_access_wait
http = Bio::Command.new_http(host)
response, = http.get(path + id.to_s)
*** 231,234 ****
--- 240,263 ----
+ def self.esearch(*args)
+ self.new.esearch(*args)
+ end
+ def self.efetch(*args)
+ self.new.efetch(*args)
+ end
+ def self.search(*args)
+ self.new.search(*args)
+ end
+ def self.query(*args)
+ self.new.query(*args)
+ end
+ def self.pmfetch(*args)
+ self.new.pmfetch(*args)
+ end
end # PubMed
*** 238,241 ****
--- 267,316 ----
if __FILE__ == $0
+ puts "=== instance methods ==="
+ pubmed = Bio::PubMed.new
+ puts "--- Search PubMed by E-Utils ---"
+ opts = {"rettype" => "count"}
+ puts Time.now
+ puts pubmed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics)", opts)
+ puts Time.now
+ puts pubmed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics)", opts)
+ puts Time.now
+ puts pubmed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics)", opts)
+ puts Time.now
+ pubmed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics)").each do |x|
+ puts x
+ end
+ puts "--- Retrieve PubMed entry by E-Utils ---"
+ puts Time.now
+ puts pubmed.efetch(16381885)
+ puts Time.now
+ puts pubmed.efetch("16381885")
+ puts Time.now
+ puts pubmed.efetch("16381885")
+ puts Time.now
+ opts = {"retmode" => "xml"}
+ puts pubmed.efetch([10592173, 14693808], opts)
+ puts Time.now
+ puts pubmed.efetch(["10592173", "14693808"], opts)
+ puts "--- Search PubMed by Entrez CGI ---"
+ pubmed.search("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics)").each do |x|
+ p x
+ end
+ puts "--- Retrieve PubMed entry by Entrez CGI ---"
+ puts pubmed.query("16381885")
+ puts "--- Retrieve PubMed entry by PMfetch ---"
+ puts pubmed.pmfetch("16381885")
+ puts "=== class methods ==="
puts "--- Search PubMed by E-Utils ---"
opts = {"rettype" => "count"}
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