[BioRuby-cvs] bioruby/lib/bio alignment.rb,1.22,1.23
Naohisa Goto
ngoto at dev.open-bio.org
Mon Jul 16 12:21:41 UTC 2007
Update of /home/repository/bioruby/bioruby/lib/bio
In directory dev.open-bio.org:/tmp/cvs-serv19932/lib/bio
Modified Files:
Log Message:
* lib/bio/mafft/report.rb
For generic multi-fasta formatted sequence alignment,
Bio::Alignment::MultiFastaFormat is newly added based on
Bio::MAFFT::Report class, and Bio::MAFFT::Report is
changed to inherit the new class.
Tests are added in test/unit/bio/appl/mafft/test_report.rb.
* lib/bio/alignment.rb
added autoload of Bio::Alignment::MultiFastaFormat.
New modules and classes Bio::Alignment::FactoryTemplate::* are added.
Index: alignment.rb
RCS file: /home/repository/bioruby/bioruby/lib/bio/alignment.rb,v
retrieving revision 1.22
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -C2 -d -r1.22 -r1.23
*** alignment.rb 5 Apr 2007 23:35:39 -0000 1.22
--- alignment.rb 16 Jul 2007 12:21:39 -0000 1.23
*** 22,25 ****
--- 22,27 ----
+ require 'tempfile'
+ require 'bio/command'
require 'bio/sequence'
*** 71,74 ****
--- 73,78 ----
module Alignment
+ autoload :MultiFastaFormat, 'bio/appl/mafft/report'
# Bio::Alignment::PropertyMethods is a set of methods to treat
# the gap character and so on.
*** 2195,2198 ****
--- 2199,2514 ----
+ #---
+ # Service classes for multiple alignment applications
+ #+++
+ #---
+ # Templates of alignment application factory
+ #+++
+ # Namespace for templates for alignment application factory
+ module FactoryTemplate
+ # Template class for alignment application factory.
+ # The program acts:
+ # input: stdin or file, format = fasta format
+ # output: stdout (parser should be specified by DEFAULT_PARSER)
+ class Simple
+ # Creates a new alignment factory
+ def initialize(program = self.class::DEFAULT_PROGRAM, options = [])
+ @program = program
+ @options = options
+ @command = nil
+ @output = nil
+ @report = nil
+ @exit_status = nil
+ @data_stdout = nil
+ end
+ # program name
+ attr_accessor :program
+ # options
+ attr_accessor :options
+ # Last command-line string. Returns nil or an array of String.
+ # Note that filenames described in the command-line may already
+ # be removed because these files may be temporary files.
+ attr_reader :command
+ # Last raw result of the program.
+ # Return a string (or nil).
+ attr_reader :output
+ # Last result object performed by the factory.
+ attr_reader :report
+ # Last exit status
+ attr_reader :exit_status
+ # Last output to the stdout.
+ attr_accessor :data_stdout
+ # Clear the internal data and status, except program and options.
+ def reset
+ @command = nil
+ @output = nil
+ @report = nil
+ @exit_status = nil
+ @data_stdout = nil
+ end
+ # Executes the program.
+ # If +seqs+ is not nil, perform alignment for seqs.
+ # If +seqs+ is nil, simply executes the program.
+ #
+ # Compatibility note: When seqs is nil,
+ # returns true if the program exits normally, and
+ # returns false if the program exits abnormally.
+ def query(seqs)
+ if seqs then
+ query_alignment(seqs)
+ else
+ exec_local(@options)
+ @exit_status.exitstatus == 0 ? true : false
+ end
+ end
+ # Performs alignment for seqs.
+ # +seqs+ should be Bio::Alignment or Array of sequences or nil.
+ def query_alignment(seqs)
+ unless seqs.respond_to?(:output_fasta) then
+ seqs = Bio::Alignment.new(seqs)
+ end
+ query_string(seqs.output_fasta(:width => 70))
+ end
+ # alias of query_alignment.
+ #
+ # Compatibility Note: query_align will renamed to query_alignment.
+ def query_align(seqs)
+ #warn 'query_align is renamed to query_alignment.'
+ query_alignment(seqs)
+ end
+ # Performs alignment for +str+.
+ # The +str+ should be a string that can be recognized by the program.
+ def query_string(str)
+ _query_string(str, @options)
+ @report
+ end
+ # Performs alignment of sequences in the file named +fn+.
+ def query_by_filename(filename_in)
+ _query_local(filename_in, @options)
+ @report
+ end
+ private
+ # Executes a program in the local machine.
+ def exec_local(opt, data_stdin = nil)
+ @exit_status = nil
+ @command = [ @program, *opt ]
+ #STDERR.print "DEBUG: ", @command.join(" "), "\n"
+ @data_stdout = Bio::Command.query_command(@command, data_stdin)
+ @exit_status = $?
+ end
+ # prepare temporary file
+ def _prepare_tempfile(str = nil)
+ tf_in = Tempfile.open(str ? 'alignment_i' :'alignment_o')
+ tf_in.print str if str
+ tf_in.close(false)
+ tf_in
+ end
+ # generates options specifying input/output filename.
+ # nil for filename means stdin or stdout.
+ # +options+ must not contain specify filenames.
+ # returns an array of string.
+ def _generate_options(infile, outfile, options)
+ options +
+ (infile ? _option_input_file(infile) : _option_input_stdin) +
+ (outfile ? _option_output_file(outfile) : _option_output_stdout)
+ end
+ # generates options specifying input filename.
+ # returns an array of string
+ def _option_input_file(fn)
+ [ fn ]
+ end
+ # generates options specifying output filename.
+ # returns an array of string
+ def _option_output_file(fn)
+ raise 'can not specify output file: always stdout'
+ end
+ # generates options specifying that input is taken from stdin.
+ # returns an array of string
+ def _option_input_stdin
+ []
+ end
+ # generates options specifying output to stdout.
+ # returns an array of string
+ def _option_output_stdout
+ []
+ end
+ end #class Simple
+ # mix-in module
+ module WrapInputStdin
+ private
+ # Performs alignment for +str+.
+ # The +str+ should be a string that can be recognized by the program.
+ def _query_string(str, opt)
+ _query_local(nil, opt, str)
+ end
+ end #module WrapInputStdin
+ # mix-in module
+ module WrapInputTempfile
+ private
+ # Performs alignment for +str+.
+ # The +str+ should be a string that can be recognized by the program.
+ def _query_string(str, opt)
+ begin
+ tf_in = _prepare_tempfile(str)
+ ret = _query_local(tf_in.path, opt, nil)
+ ensure
+ tf_in.close(true) if tf_in
+ end
+ ret
+ end
+ end #module WrapInputTempfile
+ # mix-in module
+ module WrapOutputStdout
+ private
+ # Performs alignment by specified filenames
+ def _query_local(fn_in, opt, data_stdin = nil)
+ opt = _generate_options(fn_in, nil, opt)
+ exec_local(opt, data_stdin)
+ @output = @data_stdout
+ @report = self.class::DEFAULT_PARSER.new(@output)
+ @report
+ end
+ end #module WrapOutputStdout
+ # mix-in module
+ module WrapOutputTempfile
+ private
+ # Performs alignment
+ def _query_local(fn_in, opt, data_stdin = nil)
+ begin
+ tf_out = _prepare_tempfile()
+ opt = _generate_options(fn_in, tf_out.path, opt)
+ exec_local(opt, data_stdin)
+ tf_out.open
+ @output = tf_out.read
+ ensure
+ tf_out.close(true) if tf_out
+ end
+ @report = self.class::DEFAULT_PARSER.new(@output)
+ @report
+ end
+ end #module WrapOutputTempfile
+ # Template class for alignment application factory.
+ # The program needs:
+ # input: file (cannot accept stdin), format = fasta format
+ # output: stdout (parser should be specified by DEFAULT_PARSER)
+ class FileInStdoutOut < Simple
+ include Bio::Alignment::FactoryTemplate::WrapInputTempfile
+ include Bio::Alignment::FactoryTemplate::WrapOutputStdout
+ private
+ # generates options specifying that input is taken from stdin.
+ # returns an array of string
+ def _option_input_stdin
+ raise 'input is always a file'
+ end
+ end #class FileInStdoutOut
+ # Template class for alignment application factory.
+ # The program needs:
+ # input: stdin or file, format = fasta format
+ # output: file (parser should be specified by DEFAULT_PARSER)
+ class StdinInFileOut < Simple
+ include Bio::Alignment::FactoryTemplate::WrapInputStdin
+ include Bio::Alignment::FactoryTemplate::WrapOutputTempfile
+ private
+ # generates options specifying output to stdout.
+ # returns an array of string
+ def _option_output_stdout
+ raise 'output is always a file'
+ end
+ end #class StdinInFileOut
+ # Template class for alignment application factory.
+ # The program needs:
+ # input: file (cannot accept stdin), format = fasta format
+ # output: file (parser should be specified by DEFAULT_PARSER)
+ class FileInFileOut < Simple
+ include Bio::Alignment::FactoryTemplate::WrapInputTempfile
+ include Bio::Alignment::FactoryTemplate::WrapOutputTempfile
+ private
+ # generates options specifying that input is taken from stdin.
+ # returns an array of string
+ def _option_input_stdin
+ raise 'input is always a file'
+ end
+ # generates options specifying output to stdout.
+ # returns an array of string
+ def _option_output_stdout
+ raise 'output is always a file'
+ end
+ end #class FileInFileOut
+ # Template class for alignment application factory.
+ # The program needs:
+ # input: file (cannot accept stdin), format = fasta format
+ # output: file (parser should be specified by DEFAULT_PARSER)
+ # Tree (*.dnd) output is also supported.
+ class FileInFileOutWithTree < FileInFileOut
+ # alignment guide tree generated by the program (*.dnd file)
+ attr_reader :output_dnd
+ def reset
+ @output_dnd = nil
+ super
+ end
+ private
+ # Performs alignment
+ def _query_local(fn_in, opt, data_stdin = nil)
+ begin
+ tf_dnd = _prepare_tempfile()
+ opt = opt + _option_output_dndfile(tf_dnd.path)
+ ret = super(fn_in, opt, data_stdin)
+ tf_dnd.open
+ @output_dnd = tf_dnd.read
+ ensure
+ tf_dnd.close(true) if tf_dnd
+ end
+ ret
+ end
+ # generates options specifying output tree file (*.dnd).
+ # returns an array of string
+ def _option_output_dndfile
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ end #class FileInFileOutWithTree
+ end #module FactoryTemplate
end #module Alignment
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