[BioRuby-cvs] bioruby/lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/range/sequence_range calculated_cuts.rb, NONE, 1.1 fragment.rb, NONE, 1.1 fragments.rb, NONE, 1.1
Trevor Wennblom
trevor at dev.open-bio.org
Tue Jan 2 00:13:09 UTC 2007
- Previous message: [BioRuby-cvs] bioruby/lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/range cut_range.rb, NONE, 1.1 cut_ranges.rb, NONE, 1.1 horizontal_cut_range.rb, NONE, 1.1 sequence_range.rb, NONE, 1.1 vertical_cut_range.rb, NONE, 1.1
- Next message: [BioRuby-cvs] bioruby/lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/analysis calculated_cuts.rb, 1.4, NONE cut_range.rb, 1.3, NONE cut_ranges.rb, 1.4, NONE fragment.rb, 1.3, NONE fragments.rb, 1.2, NONE horizontal_cut_range.rb, 1.3, NONE sequence_range.rb, 1.5, NONE vertical_cut_range.rb, 1.3, NONE
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Update of /home/repository/bioruby/bioruby/lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/range/sequence_range
In directory dev.open-bio.org:/tmp/cvs-serv2656/restriction_enzyme/range/sequence_range
Added Files:
calculated_cuts.rb fragment.rb fragments.rb
Log Message:
--- NEW FILE: calculated_cuts.rb ---
# bio/util/restrction_enzyme/analysis/calculated_cuts.rb -
# Author:: Trevor Wennblom <mailto:trevor at corevx.com>
# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Midwinter Laboratories, LLC (http://midwinterlabs.com)
# License:: Distributes under the same terms as Ruby
# $Id: calculated_cuts.rb,v 1.1 2007/01/02 00:13:07 trevor Exp $
require 'pathname'
libpath = Pathname.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ['..'] * 6, 'lib')).cleanpath.to_s
$:.unshift(libpath) unless $:.include?(libpath)
require 'bio/util/restriction_enzyme/cut_symbol'
require 'bio/util/restriction_enzyme/string_formatting'
module Bio; end
class Bio::RestrictionEnzyme
class Range
class SequenceRange
# bio/util/restrction_enzyme/analysis/calculated_cuts.rb -
# Author:: Trevor Wennblom <mailto:trevor at corevx.com>
# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Midwinter Laboratories, LLC (http://midwinterlabs.com)
# License:: Distributes under the same terms as Ruby
# cc = CalculatedCuts.new(@size)
# cc.add_cuts_from_cut_ranges(@cut_ranges)
# cc.remove_incomplete_cuts
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
# G A|T T A C A
# +-----+
# C T A A T|G T
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
# Primary cut = 2
# Complement cut = 5
# Horizontal cuts = 3, 4, 5
class CalculatedCuts
include CutSymbol
include StringFormatting
# +Array+ of vertical cuts on the primary strand in 0-based index notation
attr_reader :vc_primary
# +Array+ of vertical cuts on the complementary strand in 0-based index notation
attr_reader :vc_complement
# +Array+ of horizontal cuts between strands in 0-based index notation
attr_reader :hc_between_strands
# Set to +true+ if the fragment CalculatedCuts is working on is circular
attr_accessor :circular
# An +Array+ with the primary strand with vertical cuts, the horizontal cuts, and the complementary strand with vertical cuts.
attr_reader :strands_for_display
# If +false+ the strands_for_display method needs to be called to update the contents
# of @strands_for_display. Becomes out of date whenever add_cuts_from_cut_ranges is called.
attr_reader :strands_for_display_current
# Size of the sequence being digested.
attr_reader :size
def initialize(size=nil, circular=false)
@size = size
@circular = circular
@vc_primary = []
@vc_complement = []
@hc_between_strands = []
# ---
# *Arguments*
# * +cut_ranges+: An +Array+ of HorizontalCutRange or VerticalCutRange objects
# *Returns*:: nothing
def add_cuts_from_cut_ranges(cut_ranges)
@strands_for_display_current = false
cut_ranges.each do |cut_range|
@vc_primary += [cut_range.p_cut_left, cut_range.p_cut_right]
@vc_complement += [cut_range.c_cut_left, cut_range.c_cut_right]
# Add horizontal cut ranges. This may happen from cuts made inbetween a
# VerticalCutRange or may be specifically defined by a HorizontalCutRange.
if cut_range.class == VerticalCutRange
( cut_range.min + 1 ).upto( cut_range.max ){|i| @hc_between_strands << i} if cut_range.min < cut_range.max
elsif cut_range.class == HorizontalCutRange
( cut_range.hcuts.first ).upto( cut_range.hcuts.last ){|i| @hc_between_strands << i}
# There may be incomplete cuts made, this method removes the cuts that don't
# create sub-sequences for easier processing.
# For example, stray horizontal cuts that do not end with a left
# and right separation:
# G A T T A C A
# +-- ---
# C T|A A T G T
# Or stray vertical cuts:
# G A T T A C A
# +-- +
# C T|A A T|G T
# However note that for non-circular sequences this would be a successful
# cut which would result in a floating 'GT' sub-sequence:
# G A T T A C A
# +---
# C T A A T|G T
# Blunt cuts are also complete cuts.
# ---
# *Arguments*
# * +size+: (_optional_) Size of the sequence being digested. Defined here or during initalization of CalculatedCuts.
# *Returns*:: nothing
def remove_incomplete_cuts(size=nil)
@strands_for_display_current = false
@size = size if size
raise IndexError, "Size of the strand must be provided here or during initalization." if !@size.kind_of?(Fixnum) and not @circular
vcuts = (@vc_primary + @vc_complement).uniq.sort
hcuts = @hc_between_strands
last_index = @size - 1
good_hcuts = []
potential_hcuts = []
if @circular
# if it's circular we should start at the beginning of a cut for orientation,
# scan for it, hack off the first set of hcuts and move them to the back
vcuts.unshift(-1) unless vcuts.include?(-1)
vcuts.push(last_index) unless vcuts.include?(last_index)
hcuts.each do |hcut|
raise IndexError if hcut < -1 or hcut > last_index
# skipped a nucleotide
potential_hcuts.clear if !potential_hcuts.empty? and (hcut - potential_hcuts.last).abs > 1
if potential_hcuts.empty?
if vcuts.include?( hcut ) and vcuts.include?( hcut - 1 )
good_hcuts += [hcut]
elsif vcuts.include?( hcut - 1 )
potential_hcuts << hcut
if vcuts.include?( hcut )
good_hcuts += potential_hcuts + [hcut]
potential_hcuts << hcut
check_vc = lambda do |vertical_cuts, opposing_vcuts|
# opposing_vcuts is here only to check for blunt cuts, so there shouldn't
# be any out-of-order problems with this
good_vc = []
vertical_cuts.each { |vc| good_vc << vc if good_hcuts.include?( vc ) or good_hcuts.include?( vc + 1 ) or opposing_vcuts.include?( vc ) }
@vc_primary = check_vc.call(@vc_primary, @vc_complement)
@vc_complement = check_vc.call(@vc_complement, @vc_primary)
@hc_between_strands = good_hcuts
# Sets @strands_for_display_current to +true+ and populates @strands_for_display.
# ---
# *Arguments*
# * +str1+: (_optional_) For displaying a primary strand. If +nil+ a numbered sequence will be used in place.
# * +str2+: (_optional_) For displaying a complementary strand. If +nil+ a numbered sequence will be used in place.
# * +vcp+: (_optional_) An array of vertical cut locations on the primary strand. If +nil+ the contents of @vc_primary is used.
# * +vcc+: (_optional_) An array of vertical cut locations on the complementary strand. If +nil+ the contents of @vc_complementary is used.
# * +hc+: (_optional_) An array of horizontal cut locations between strands. If +nil+ the contents of @hc_between_strands is used.
# *Returns*:: +Array+ An array with the primary strand with vertical cuts, the horizontal cuts, and the complementary strand with vertical cuts.
def strands_for_display(str1 = nil, str2 = nil, vcp=nil, vcc=nil, hc=nil)
return @strands_for_display if @strands_for_display_current
vcs = '|' # Vertical cut symbol
hcs = '-' # Horizontal cut symbol
vhcs = '+' # Intersection of vertical and horizontal cut symbol
num_txt_repeat = lambda { num_txt = '0123456789'; (num_txt * ( @size / num_txt.size.to_f ).ceil)[0.. at size-1] }
(str1 == nil) ? a = num_txt_repeat.call : a = str1.dup
(str2 == nil) ? b = num_txt_repeat.call : b = str2.dup
vcp = @vc_primary if vcp==nil
vcc = @vc_complement if vcc==nil
hc = @hc_between_strands if hc==nil
vcuts = (vcp + vcc).uniq.sort
vcp.reverse.each { |c| a.insert(c+1, vcs) }
vcc.reverse.each { |c| b.insert(c+1, vcs) }
between = ' ' * @size
hc.each {|hcut| between[hcut,1] = hcs }
s_a = add_spacing(a, vcs)
s_b = add_spacing(b, vcs)
s_bet = add_spacing(between)
# NOTE watch this for circular
i = 0
0.upto( s_a.size-1 ) do
if (s_a[i,1] == vcs) or (s_b[i,1] == vcs)
s_bet[i] = vhcs
elsif i != 0 and s_bet[i-1,1] == hcs and s_bet[i+1,1] == hcs
s_bet[i] = hcs
@strands_for_display_current = true
@strands_for_display = [s_a, s_bet, s_b]
# remove nil values, remove duplicate values, and
# sort @vc_primary, @vc_complement, and @hc_between_strands
def clean_all
[@vc_primary, @vc_complement, @hc_between_strands].collect { |a| a.delete(nil); a.uniq!; a.sort! }
end # CalculatedCuts
end # SequenceRange
end # Range
end # Bio::RestrictionEnzyme
--- NEW FILE: fragment.rb ---
# bio/util/restrction_enzyme/analysis/fragment.rb -
# Author:: Trevor Wennblom <mailto:trevor at corevx.com>
# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Midwinter Laboratories, LLC (http://midwinterlabs.com)
# License:: Distributes under the same terms as Ruby
# $Id: fragment.rb,v 1.1 2007/01/02 00:13:07 trevor Exp $
require 'pathname'
libpath = Pathname.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ['..'] * 6, 'lib')).cleanpath.to_s
$:.unshift(libpath) unless $:.include?(libpath)
require 'bio/util/restriction_enzyme/range/cut_ranges'
require 'bio/util/restriction_enzyme/range/horizontal_cut_range'
require 'bio'
module Bio; end
class Bio::RestrictionEnzyme
class Range
class SequenceRange
# bio/util/restrction_enzyme/analysis/fragment.rb -
# Author:: Trevor Wennblom <mailto:trevor at corevx.com>
# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Midwinter Laboratories, LLC (http://midwinterlabs.com)
# License:: Distributes under the same terms as Ruby
class Fragment
attr_reader :size
def initialize( primary_bin, complement_bin )
@primary_bin = primary_bin
@complement_bin = complement_bin
DisplayFragment = Struct.new(:primary, :complement)
def for_display(p_str=nil, c_str=nil)
df = DisplayFragment.new
df.primary = ''
df.complement = ''
both_bins = (@primary_bin + @complement_bin).sort.uniq
both_bins.each do |item|
@primary_bin.include?(item) ? df.primary << p_str[item] : df.primary << ' '
@complement_bin.include?(item) ? df.complement << c_str[item] : df.complement << ' '
end # Fragment
end # SequenceRange
end # Range
end # Bio::RestrictionEnzyme
--- NEW FILE: fragments.rb ---
# bio/util/restrction_enzyme/analysis/fragments.rb -
# Author:: Trevor Wennblom <mailto:trevor at corevx.com>
# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Midwinter Laboratories, LLC (http://midwinterlabs.com)
# License:: Distributes under the same terms as Ruby
# $Id: fragments.rb,v 1.1 2007/01/02 00:13:07 trevor Exp $
require 'pathname'
libpath = Pathname.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ['..'] * 6, 'lib')).cleanpath.to_s
$:.unshift(libpath) unless $:.include?(libpath)
module Bio; end
class Bio::RestrictionEnzyme
class Range
class SequenceRange
# bio/util/restrction_enzyme/analysis/fragments.rb -
# Author:: Trevor Wennblom <mailto:trevor at corevx.com>
# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Midwinter Laboratories, LLC (http://midwinterlabs.com)
# License:: Distributes under the same terms as Ruby
class Fragments < Array
attr_accessor :primary
attr_accessor :complement
def initialize(primary, complement)
@primary = primary
@complement = complement
DisplayFragment = Struct.new(:primary, :complement)
def for_display(p_str=nil, c_str=nil)
p_str ||= @primary
c_str ||= @complement
pretty_fragments = []
self.each { |fragment| pretty_fragments << fragment.for_display(p_str, c_str) }
end # Fragments
end # SequenceRange
end # Range
end # Bio::RestrictionEnzyme
- Previous message: [BioRuby-cvs] bioruby/lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/range cut_range.rb, NONE, 1.1 cut_ranges.rb, NONE, 1.1 horizontal_cut_range.rb, NONE, 1.1 sequence_range.rb, NONE, 1.1 vertical_cut_range.rb, NONE, 1.1
- Next message: [BioRuby-cvs] bioruby/lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/analysis calculated_cuts.rb, 1.4, NONE cut_range.rb, 1.3, NONE cut_ranges.rb, 1.4, NONE fragment.rb, 1.3, NONE fragments.rb, 1.2, NONE horizontal_cut_range.rb, 1.3, NONE sequence_range.rb, 1.5, NONE vertical_cut_range.rb, 1.3, NONE
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