[BioRuby-cvs] bioruby/lib/bio sequence.rb,0.50,0.51
Katayama Toshiaki
k at pub.open-bio.org
Sun Jan 22 23:13:38 EST 2006
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NONE, 1.1 compat.rb, NONE, 1.1 format.rb, NONE, 1.1 na.rb, NONE, 1.1
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Update of /home/repository/bioruby/bioruby/lib/bio
In directory pub.open-bio.org:/tmp/cvs-serv16731
Modified Files:
Log Message:
* refactored to store annotations in Bio::Sequence class
* common methods are separated into Bio::Sequence::Common module
* Bio::Sequence no longer inherits String
* Bio::Sequence::NA and AA inherits String and include Bio::Sequence::Common
* lib/bio/sequence.rb is a container for rich sequence
* lib/bio/sequence/common.rb contains Bio::Sequence::Common module
* lib/bio/sequence/na.rb defines Bio::Sequence::NA class
* lib/bio/sequence/aa.rb defines Bio::Sequence::AA class
* lib/bio/sequence/format.rb is for sequence format converter (define output formats)
* lib/bio/sequence/compat.rb is just for backward compatibility
Index: sequence.rb
RCS file: /home/repository/bioruby/bioruby/lib/bio/sequence.rb,v
retrieving revision 0.50
retrieving revision 0.51
diff -C2 -d -r0.50 -r0.51
*** sequence.rb 20 Jan 2006 09:58:31 -0000 0.50
--- sequence.rb 23 Jan 2006 04:13:36 -0000 0.51
*** 2,6 ****
# = bio/sequence.rb - biological sequence class
! # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2000-2005
# Toshiaki Katayama <k at bioruby.org>,
# Yoshinori K. Okuji <okuji at embug.org>,
--- 2,6 ----
# = bio/sequence.rb - biological sequence class
! # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2000-2006
# Toshiaki Katayama <k at bioruby.org>,
# Yoshinori K. Okuji <okuji at embug.org>,
*** 11,19 ****
- # *TODO* remove this functionality?
- # You can use Bio::Seq instead of Bio::Sequence for short.
- #++
- #
- #--
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--- 11,14 ----
*** 39,64 ****
require 'bio/location'
module Bio
# Nucleic/Amino Acid sequence
! class Sequence < String
def self.auto(str)
moltype = self.guess(str)
if moltype == NA
! NA.new(str)
! AA.new(str)
def guess(threshold = 0.9)
! cmp = self.composition
bases = cmp['A'] + cmp['T'] + cmp['G'] + cmp['C'] +
cmp['a'] + cmp['t'] + cmp['g'] + cmp['c']
! total = self.length - cmp['N'] - cmp['n']
if bases.to_f / total > threshold
--- 34,89 ----
require 'bio/location'
+ require 'bio/sequence/common'
+ require 'bio/sequence/na'
+ require 'bio/sequence/aa'
+ require 'bio/sequence/format'
+ require 'bio/sequence/compat'
module Bio
# Nucleic/Amino Acid sequence
! class Sequence
! attr_accessor :entry_id, :definition, :features, :references, :comments,
! :date, :keywords, :dblinks, :taxonomy, :moltype, :seq
! # def method_missing(*arg)
! # @seq.send(*arg)
! # end
! def output(style)
! case style
! when :fasta
! format_fasta
! when :genbank
! format_genbank
! when :embl
! format_embl
! end
! end
! def initialize(str)
! @seq = str
! end
def self.auto(str)
moltype = self.guess(str)
if moltype == NA
! @seq = NA.new(str)
! @seq = AA.new(str)
+ return @seq
def guess(threshold = 0.9)
! cmp = @seq.composition
bases = cmp['A'] + cmp['T'] + cmp['G'] + cmp['C'] +
cmp['a'] + cmp['t'] + cmp['g'] + cmp['c']
! total = @seq.length - cmp['N'] - cmp['n']
if bases.to_f / total > threshold
*** 73,457 ****
- def to_s
- String.new(self)
- end
- alias to_str to_s
- # Force self to re-initialize for clean up (remove white spaces,
- # case unification).
- def seq
- self.class.new(self)
- end
- # Similar to the 'seq' method, but changes the self object destructively.
- def normalize!
- initialize(self)
- self
- end
- alias seq! normalize!
- def <<(*arg)
- super(self.class.new(*arg))
- end
- alias concat <<
- def +(*arg)
- self.class.new(super(*arg))
- end
- # Returns the subsequence of the self string.
- def subseq(s = 1, e = self.length)
- return nil if s < 1 or e < 1
- s -= 1
- e -= 1
- self[s..e]
- end
- # Output the FASTA format string of the sequence. The 1st argument is
- # used as the comment string. If the 2nd option is given, the output
- # sequence will be folded.
- def to_fasta(header = '', width = nil)
- ">#{header}\n" +
- if width
- self.to_s.gsub(Regexp.new(".{1,#{width}}"), "\\0\n")
- else
- self.to_s + "\n"
- end
- end
- # This method iterates on sub string with specified length 'window_size'.
- # By specifing 'step_size', codon sized shifting or spliting genome
- # sequence with ovelapping each end can easily be yielded.
- #
- # The remainder sequence at the terminal end will be returned.
- #
- # Example:
- # # prints average GC% on each 100bp
- # seq.window_search(100) do |subseq|
- # puts subseq.gc
- # end
- # # prints every translated peptide (length 5aa) in the same frame
- # seq.window_search(15, 3) do |subseq|
- # puts subseq.translate
- # end
- # # split genome sequence by 10000bp with 1000bp overlap in fasta format
- # i = 1
- # remainder = seq.window_search(10000, 9000) do |subseq|
- # puts subseq.to_fasta("segment #{i}", 60)
- # i += 1
- # end
- # puts remainder.to_fasta("segment #{i}", 60)
- #
- def window_search(window_size, step_size = 1)
- i = 0
- 0.step(self.length - window_size, step_size) do |i|
- yield self[i, window_size]
- end
- return self[i + window_size .. -1]
- end
- # This method receive a hash of residues/bases to the particular values,
- # and sum up the value along with the self sequence. Especially useful
- # to use with the window_search method and amino acid indices etc.
- def total(hash)
- hash.default = 0.0 unless hash.default
- sum = 0.0
- self.each_byte do |x|
- begin
- sum += hash[x.chr]
- end
- end
- return sum
- end
- # Returns a hash of the occurrence counts for each residue or base.
- def composition
- count = Hash.new(0)
- self.scan(/./) do |x|
- count[x] += 1
- end
- return count
- end
- # Returns a randomized sequence keeping its composition by default.
- # The argument is required when generating a random sequence from the empty
- # sequence (used by the class methods NA.randomize, AA.randomize).
- # If the block is given, yields for each random residue/base.
- def randomize(hash = nil)
- length = self.length
- if hash
- count = hash.clone
- count.each_value {|x| length += x}
- else
- count = self.composition
- end
- seq = ''
- tmp = {}
- length.times do
- count.each do |k, v|
- tmp[k] = v * rand
- end
- max = tmp.max {|a, b| a[1] <=> b[1]}
- count[max.first] -= 1
- if block_given?
- yield max.first
- else
- seq += max.first
- end
- end
- return self.class.new(seq)
- end
- # Generate a new random sequence with the given frequency of bases
- # or residues. The sequence length is determined by the sum of each
- # base/residue occurences.
- def self.randomize(*arg, &block)
- self.new('').randomize(*arg, &block)
- end
- # Receive a GenBank style position string and convert it to the Locations
- # objects to splice the sequence itself. See also: bio/location.rb
- #
- # This method depends on Locations class, see bio/location.rb
- def splicing(position)
- unless position.is_a?(Locations) then
- position = Locations.new(position)
- end
- s = ''
- position.each do |location|
- if location.sequence
- s << location.sequence
- else
- exon = self.subseq(location.from, location.to)
- begin
- exon.complement! if location.strand < 0
- rescue NameError
- end
- s << exon
- end
- end
- return self.class.new(s)
- end
- # Nucleic Acid sequence
- class NA < Sequence
- # Generate a nucleic acid sequence object from a string.
- def initialize(str)
- super
- self.downcase!
- self.tr!(" \t\n\r",'')
- end
- # This method depends on Locations class, see bio/location.rb
- def splicing(position)
- mRNA = super
- if mRNA.rna?
- mRNA.tr!('t', 'u')
- else
- mRNA.tr!('u', 't')
- end
- mRNA
- end
- # Returns complement sequence without reversing ("atgc" -> "tacg")
- def forward_complement
- s = self.class.new(self)
- s.forward_complement!
- s
- end
- # Convert to complement sequence without reversing ("atgc" -> "tacg")
- def forward_complement!
- if self.rna?
- self.tr!('augcrymkdhvbswn', 'uacgyrkmhdbvswn')
- else
- self.tr!('atgcrymkdhvbswn', 'tacgyrkmhdbvswn')
- end
- self
- end
- # Returns reverse complement sequence ("atgc" -> "gcat")
- def reverse_complement
- s = self.class.new(self)
- s.reverse_complement!
- s
- end
- # Convert to reverse complement sequence ("atgc" -> "gcat")
- def reverse_complement!
- self.reverse!
- self.forward_complement!
- end
- # Aliases for short
- alias complement reverse_complement
- alias complement! reverse_complement!
- # Translate into the amino acid sequence from the given frame and the
- # selected codon table. The table also can be a Bio::CodonTable object.
- # The 'unknown' character is used for invalid/unknown codon (can be
- # used for 'nnn' and/or gap translation in practice).
- #
- # Frame can be 1, 2 or 3 for the forward strand and -1, -2 or -3
- # (4, 5 or 6 is also accepted) for the reverse strand.
- def translate(frame = 1, table = 1, unknown = 'X')
- if table.is_a?(Bio::CodonTable)
- ct = table
- else
- ct = Bio::CodonTable[table]
- end
- naseq = self.dna
- case frame
- when 1, 2, 3
- from = frame - 1
- when 4, 5, 6
- from = frame - 4
- naseq.complement!
- when -1, -2, -3
- from = -1 - frame
- naseq.complement!
- else
- from = 0
- end
- nalen = naseq.length - from
- nalen -= nalen % 3
- aaseq = naseq[from, nalen].gsub(/.{3}/) {|codon| ct[codon] or unknown}
- return Bio::Sequence::AA.new(aaseq)
- end
- # Returns counts of the each codon in the sequence by Hash.
- def codon_usage
- hash = Hash.new(0)
- self.window_search(3, 3) do |codon|
- hash[codon] += 1
- end
- return hash
- end
- # Calculate the ratio of GC / ATGC bases in percent.
- def gc_percent
- count = self.composition
- at = count['a'] + count['t'] + count['u']
- gc = count['g'] + count['c']
- gc = 100 * gc / (at + gc)
- return gc
- end
- # Show abnormal bases other than 'atgcu'.
- def illegal_bases
- self.scan(/[^atgcu]/).sort.uniq
- end
- # Estimate the weight of this biological string molecule.
- # NucleicAcid is defined in bio/data/na.rb
- def molecular_weight
- if self.rna?
- NucleicAcid.weight(self, true)
- else
- NucleicAcid.weight(self)
- end
- end
- # Convert the universal code string into the regular expression.
- def to_re
- if self.rna?
- NucleicAcid.to_re(self.dna, true)
- else
- NucleicAcid.to_re(self)
- end
- end
- # Convert the self string into the list of the names of the each base.
- def names
- array = []
- self.each_byte do |x|
- array.push(NucleicAcid.names[x.chr.upcase])
- end
- return array
- end
- # Output a DNA string by substituting 'u' to 't'.
- def dna
- self.tr('u', 't')
- end
- def dna!
- self.tr!('u', 't')
- end
- # Output a RNA string by substituting 't' to 'u'.
- def rna
- self.tr('t', 'u')
- end
- def rna!
- self.tr!('t', 'u')
- end
- def rna?
- self.index('u')
- end
- protected :rna?
- def pikachu
- self.dna.tr("atgc", "pika") # joke, of course :-)
- end
- end
- # Amino Acid sequence
- class AA < Sequence
- # Generate a amino acid sequence object from a string.
- def initialize(str)
- super
- self.upcase!
- self.tr!(" \t\n\r",'')
- end
- # Estimate the weight of this protein.
- # AminoAcid is defined in bio/data/aa.rb
- def molecular_weight
- AminoAcid.weight(self)
- end
- def to_re
- AminoAcid.to_re(self)
- end
- # Generate the list of the names of the each residue along with the
- # sequence (3 letters code).
- def codes
- array = []
- self.each_byte do |x|
- array.push(AminoAcid.names[x.chr])
- end
- return array
- end
- # Similar to codes but returns long names.
- def names
- self.codes.map do |x|
- AminoAcid.names[x]
- end
- end
- end
end # Sequence
- class Seq < Sequence
- attr_accessor :entry_id, :definition, :features, :references, :comments,
- :date, :keywords, :dblinks, :taxonomy, :moltype
- end
--- 98,102 ----
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