[BioRuby-cvs] bioruby/lib/bio/util restriction_enzyme.rb,NONE,1.1

Trevor Wennblom trevor at pub.open-bio.org
Wed Feb 1 07:23:32 UTC 2006

Update of /home/repository/bioruby/bioruby/lib/bio/util
In directory pub.open-bio.org:/tmp/cvs-serv28712/lib/bio/util

Added Files:
Log Message:
Bio::RestrictionEnzyme inital commit.

--- NEW FILE: restriction_enzyme.rb ---
require 'pathname'
libpath = Pathname.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ['..'] * 3, 'lib')).cleanpath.to_s
$:.unshift(libpath) unless $:.include?(libpath)

require 'bio'
require 'bio/db/rebase'
require 'bio/util/restriction_enzyme/double_stranded'
require 'bio/util/restriction_enzyme/single_strand'
require 'bio/util/restriction_enzyme/cut_symbol'
require 'bio/util/restriction_enzyme/analysis'

module Bio; end

# bio/util/restriction_enzyme.rb - Digests DNA based on restriction enzyme cut patterns
# Copyright::  Copyright (C) 2006 Trevor Wennblom <trevor at corevx.com>
# License::    LGPL
#  $Id: restriction_enzyme.rb,v 1.1 2006/02/01 07:30:19 trevor Exp $
#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
#  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA

=begin rdoc

bio/util/restriction_enzyme.rb - Digests DNA based on restriction enzyme cut patterns

NOTE: This documentation and the module are still very much under development.
It has been released as it is relatively stable and comments would be appreciated.

== Synopsis

Bio::RestrictionEnzyme allows you to fragment a DNA strand using one or 
more restriction enzymes.  Bio::RestrictionEnzyme is aware that multiple enzymes may
be competing for the same recognition site and returns the various possible
fragmentation patterns that result in such circumstances.

Using Bio::RestrictionEnzyme you may simply use the name of common enzymes to
cut with or you may construct your own unique enzymes to use.

== Basic Usage

  # EcoRI cut pattern:
  #   G|A A T T C
  #    +-------+
  #   C T T A A|G
  # This can also be written as:
  #   G^AATTC

  require 'bio/restriction_enzyme'
  require 'pp'

  seq = Bio::Sequence::NA.new('gaattc')
  cuts = seq.cut_with_enzyme('EcoRI')
  p cuts.primary                        # ["aattc", "g"]
  p cuts.complement                     # ["g", "cttaa"]
  pp cuts                               # ==>
    # [#<struct Bio::RestrictionEnzyme::Analysis::UniqueFragment primary="g    ", complement="cttaa">,
    #  #<struct Bio::RestrictionEnzyme::Analysis::UniqueFragment primary="aattc", complement="    g">]

  seq = Bio::Sequence::NA.new('gaattc')
  cuts = seq.cut_with_enzyme('g^aattc')
  p cuts.primary                        # ["aattc", "g"]
  p cuts.complement                     # ["g", "cttaa"]

  seq = Bio::Sequence::NA.new('gaattc')
  cuts = seq.cut_with_enzyme('g^aattc', 'gaatt^c')
  p cuts.primary                        # ["c", "aattc", "g", "gaatt"]
  p cuts.complement                     # ["g", "c", "cttaa", "ttaag"]

  seq = Bio::Sequence::NA.new('gaattcgaattc')
  cuts = seq.cut_with_enzyme('EcoRI')
  p cuts.primary                        # ["aattc", "aattcg", "g"]
  p cuts.complement                     # ["g", "gcttaa", "cttaa"]

  seq = Bio::Sequence::NA.new('gaattcgggaattc')
  cuts = seq.cut_with_enzyme('EcoRI')
  p cuts.primary                        # ["aattc", "aattcggg", "g"]
  p cuts.complement                     # ["g", "gcccttaa", "cttaa"]

== Advanced Usage

  require 'bio/restriction_enzyme'
  require 'pp'
  enzyme_1 = Bio::RestrictionEnzyme.new('anna', [1,1], [3,3])
  enzyme_2 = Bio::RestrictionEnzyme.new('gg', [1,1])
  a = Bio::RestrictionEnzyme::Analysis.cut('agga', enzyme_1, enzyme_2)
  p a.primary # ["a", "ag", "g", "ga"]

  b = Bio::RestrictionEnzyme::Analysis.cut_and_return_by_permutations('agga', enzyme_1, enzyme_2)
  pp b

Output (NOTE: to be cleaned):

  {[1, 0]=>
        @complement_bin=[0, 1],
        @primary_bin=[0, 1]>,
        @complement_bin=[2, 3],
        @primary_bin=[2, 3]>],
   [0, 1]=>

== Todo
Currently under development:
* Optimizations in restriction_enzyme/analysis.rb to cut down on factorial growth of computation space.
* Circular DNA cutting
* Tagging of sequence data
* Much more documentation

== Notes
This module includes Florian Frank's permutation.rb licensed under the GPL.  To prevent licensing issues
the source code to Bio::RestrictionEnzyme must be included whenever Bio::RestrictionEnzyme is distributed.

== Author
Trevor Wennblom <trevor at corevx.com>

== Copyright
Copyright (C) 2006 Trevor Wennblom
Licensed under the same terms as BioRuby.

class Bio::RestrictionEnzyme
    include CutSymbol
    extend CutSymbol

    # Factory for DoubleStranded
    def self.new(users_enzyme_or_rebase_or_pattern, *cut_locations)
      DoubleStranded.new(users_enzyme_or_rebase_or_pattern, *cut_locations)

    # REBASE enzyme data information
    # Returns a Bio::REBASE object loaded with all of the enzyme data on file.
    def self.rebase

# NOTE open for debate ... maybe this should be stored somewhere else in bioruby?
data_file_location = Pathname.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ['..'] * 3, 'lib')).cleanpath.to_s + '/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/enzymes.yaml' 

      @@rebase_enzymes ||= Bio::REBASE.load_yaml( data_file_location )

    # Primitive way of determining if a string is an enzyme name.
    # Should work just fine thanks to dumb luck.  A nucleotide or nucleotide
    # set can't ever contain an 'i'.  Restriction enzymes always end in 'i'.
    # Could also look for cut symbols.
    def self.enzyme_name?( str )
      str[-1].chr.downcase == 'i'

    # See Bio::RestrictionEnzyme::Analysis.cut
    def self.cut( sequence, enzymes )
      Bio::RestrictionEnzyme::Analysis.cut( sequence, enzymes )


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