[BioRuby-cvs] bioruby/lib/bio/db/embl common.rb,1.4,1.5

Mitsuteru C. Nakao nakao at pub.open-bio.org
Sun Oct 23 05:25:19 EDT 2005

Update of /home/repository/bioruby/bioruby/lib/bio/db/embl
In directory pub.open-bio.org:/tmp/cvs-serv18789/lib/bio/db/embl

Modified Files:
Log Message:
* Chaged to rdoc format.
* Bio::EMBL::Common changed to Bio::EMBLDB::Common.

Index: common.rb
RCS file: /home/repository/bioruby/bioruby/lib/bio/db/embl/common.rb,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -d -r1.4 -r1.5
*** common.rb	26 Sep 2005 13:00:06 -0000	1.4
--- common.rb	23 Oct 2005 09:25:16 -0000	1.5
*** 1,6 ****
! # bio/db/embl.rb - Common methods for EMBL style database classes
! #   Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Mitsuteru C. Nakao <n at bioruby.org>
  #  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--- 1,54 ----
! # = bio/db/embl.rb - Common methods for EMBL style database classes
! #
! # Author::      Mitsuteru C. Nakao <n at bioruby.org>
! # Copyright::   Copyright (C) 2001-2005 BioRuby Project
! # License::     LGPL
! #
! # $Id$
! #
! # == EMBL style databases class
! #
! # This module defines a common framework among EMBL, SWISS-PROT, TrEMBL.
! # For more details, see the documentations in each embl/*.rb libraries.
! #
! # EMBL style format:
! #     ID - identification             (begins each entry; 1 per entry)
! #     AC - accession number           (>=1 per entry)
! #     SV - sequence version           (1 per entry)
! #     DT - date                       (2 per entry)
! #     DE - description                (>=1 per entry)
! #     KW - keyword                    (>=1 per entry)
! #     OS - organism species           (>=1 per entry)
! #     OC - organism classification    (>=1 per entry)
! #     OG - organelle                  (0 or 1 per entry)
! #     RN - reference number           (>=1 per entry)
! #     RC - reference comment          (>=0 per entry)
! #     RP - reference positions        (>=1 per entry)
! #     RX - reference cross-reference  (>=0 per entry)
! #     RA - reference author(s)        (>=1 per entry)
! #     RG - reference group            (>=0 per entry)
! #     RT - reference title            (>=1 per entry)
! #     RL - reference location         (>=1 per entry)
! #     DR - database cross-reference   (>=0 per entry)
! #     FH - feature table header       (0 or 2 per entry)
! #     FT - feature table data         (>=0 per entry)
! #     CC - comments or notes          (>=0 per entry)
! #     XX - spacer line                (many per entry)
! #     SQ - sequence header            (1 per entry)
! #     bb - (blanks) sequence data     (>=1 per entry)
! #     // - termination line           (ends each entry; 1 per entry)
! #
! # == Example
! # 
! #  require 'bio/db/embl/common'
! #  module Bio
! #    class NEWDB < EMBLDB
! #      include Bio::EMBLDB::Common
! #    end
! #  end
! #
! #--
  #  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*** 18,28 ****
  #  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA
! #  $Id$
  require 'bio/db'
  module Bio
! class EMBL < EMBLDB
  module Common
--- 66,77 ----
  #  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA
! #++
  require 'bio/db'
+ require 'bio/reference'
  module Bio
! class EMBLDB
  module Common
*** 34,48 ****
    # AC Line
!   # "AC   A12345; B23456;"
!   # AC [AC1;]+
    # Accession numbers format:
!   # 1       2     3          4          5          6
!   # [O,P,Q] [0-9] [A-Z, 0-9] [A-Z, 0-9] [A-Z, 0-9] [0-9]
!   #
!   # Bio::EMBL::Common#ac  -> Array
!   #                 #accessions  -> Array
    def ac
      unless @data['AC']
--- 83,95 ----
!   # returns a Array of accession numbers in the AC lines.
!   #
    # AC Line
!   #   "AC   A12345; B23456;"
!   #   AC [AC1;]+
    # Accession numbers format:
!   #   1       2     3          4          5          6
!   #   [O,P,Q] [0-9] [A-Z, 0-9] [A-Z, 0-9] [A-Z, 0-9] [0-9]
    def ac
      unless @data['AC']
*** 57,61 ****
    alias accessions ac
!   # Bio::EMBL::Common#accession  -> String
    def accession
--- 104,109 ----
    alias accessions ac
!   # returns the first accession number in the AC lines
    def accession
*** 63,67 ****
!   # DE Line:
    def de
      unless @data['DE']
--- 111,117 ----
!   # returns a String int the DE line.
!   #
!   # DE Line
    def de
      unless @data['DE']
*** 71,96 ****
    alias description de	
!   # API
!   alias definition de
!   # OS Line; organism species (>=1)
!   # "OS   Trifolium repens (white clover)"
!   #
!   # OS   Genus species (name).
!   # OS   Genus species (name0) (name1).
!   # OS   Genus species (name0) (name1).
!   # OS   Genus species (name0), G s0 (name0), and G s (name1).
!   # Bio::EMBL#os  -> Array w/in Hash
!   # [{'name'=>'Human', 'os'=>'Homo sapiens'}, 
!   #  {'name'=>'Rat', 'os'=>'Rattus norveticus'}]
!   # Bio::STPR#os[0]['name'] => "Human"
!   # Bio::STPR#os[0] => {'name'=>"Human", 'os'=>'Homo sapiens'}
!   # Bio::STPR#os(0) => "Homo sapiens (Human)"
!   # Bio::SPTR#os -> Array w/in Hash
!   # Bio::SPTR#os(num) -> String
    def os(num = nil)
      unless @data['OS']
--- 121,144 ----
    alias description de	
!   alias definition de   # API
!   # returns contents in the OS line.
!   # * Bio::EMBLDB#os  -> Array of <OS Hash>
!   # where <OS Hash> is:
!   #  [{'name'=>'Human', 'os'=>'Homo sapiens'}, 
!   #   {'name'=>'Rat', 'os'=>'Rattus norveticus'}]
!   # * Bio::SPTR#os[0]['name'] => "Human"
!   # * Bio::SPTR#os[0] => {'name'=>"Human", 'os'=>'Homo sapiens'}
!   # * Bio::STPR#os(0) => "Homo sapiens (Human)"
!   # OS Line; organism species (>=1)
!   #   "OS   Trifolium repens (white clover)"
!   #   OS   Genus species (name).
!   #   OS   Genus species (name0) (name1).
!   #   OS   Genus species (name0) (name1).
!   #   OS   Genus species (name0), G s0 (name0), and G s (name1).
    def os(num = nil)
      unless @data['OS']
*** 115,121 ****
!   # OG Line; organella (0 or 1/entry)
!   # Bio::EMBL::Common#og  -> Array
    def og
      unless @data['OG']
--- 163,170 ----
!   # returns contents in the OG line.
!   # * Bio::EMBLDB::Common#og  -> [ <ogranella String>* ]
!   # OG Line; organella (0 or 1/entry)
    def og
      unless @data['OG']
*** 130,140 ****
    # OC Line; organism classification (>=1)
!   # OC   Eukaryota; Alveolata; Apicomplexa; Piroplasmida; Theileriidae;
!   # OC   Theileria.
!   #
!   # Bio::EMBL::Common#oc  -> Array
    def oc
      unless @data['OC']
--- 179,189 ----
!   # returns contents in the OC line.
!   # * Bio::EMBLDB::Common#oc  -> [ <organism class String>* ]
    # OC Line; organism classification (>=1)
!   #  OC   Eukaryota; Alveolata; Apicomplexa; Piroplasmida; Theileriidae;
!   #  OC   Theileria.
    def oc
      unless @data['OC']
*** 150,158 ****
    # KW Line; keyword (>=1)
!   # KW   [Keyword;]+
!   # Bio::EMBL::Common#kw  -> Array
!   #                 #keywords  -> Array
    def kw
      unless @data['KW']
--- 199,206 ----
!   # returns keywords in the KW line.
!   # * Bio::EMBLDB::Common#kw  -> [ <keyword>* ]
    # KW Line; keyword (>=1)
!   #  KW   [Keyword;]+
    def kw
      unless @data['KW']
*** 169,175 ****
    # R Lines
!   # Bio::EMBL::Common#ref -> Array
    def ref
      unless @data['R']
--- 217,228 ----
+   # returns contents in the R lines.
+   # * Bio::EMBLDB::Common#ref -> [ <refernece information Hash>* ]
+   # where <reference information Hash> is:
+   #  {'RN' => '', 'RC' => '', 'RP' => '', 'RX' => '', 
+   #   'RA' => '', 'RT' => '', 'RL' => '', 'RG' => ''}
+   # 
    # R Lines
    def ref
      unless @data['R']
*** 199,203 ****
!   # Bio::EMBL::Common#references -> Bio::References
    def references
      unless @data['references']
--- 252,257 ----
!   # returns Bio::Reference object from Bio::EMBLDB::Common#ref.
!   # * Bio::EMBLDB::Common#ref -> Bio::References
    def references
      unless @data['references']
*** 235,244 ****
    # DR Line; defabases cross-reference (>=0)
    # a cross_ref pre one line
!   # "DR  database_identifier; primary_identifier; secondary_identifier."
!   # Bio::EMBL::Common#dr  -> Hash w/in Array
!   # Bio::EMBL::Common#dr {|k,v| } 
    def dr
      unless @data['DR']
--- 289,300 ----
!   # returns contents in the DR line.
!   # * Bio::EMBLDB::Common#dr  -> [ <Database cross-reference Hash>* ]
!   # where <Database cross-reference Hash> is:
!   # * Bio::EMBLDB::Common#dr {|k,v| } 
!   # 
    # DR Line; defabases cross-reference (>=0)
    # a cross_ref pre one line
!   #  "DR  database_identifier; primary_identifier; secondary_identifier."
    def dr
      unless @data['DR']
*** 262,342 ****
  end # module Common
! end # class EMBL
  end # module Bio
- #     ID - identification             (begins each entry; 1 per entry)
- #     AC - accession number           (>=1 per entry)
- #     SV - sequence version           (1 per entry)
- #     DT - date                       (2 per entry)
- #     DE - description                (>=1 per entry)
- #     KW - keyword                    (>=1 per entry)
- #     OS - organism species           (>=1 per entry)
- #     OC - organism classification    (>=1 per entry)
- #     OG - organelle                  (0 or 1 per entry)
- #     RN - reference number           (>=1 per entry)
- #     RC - reference comment          (>=0 per entry)
- #     RP - reference positions        (>=1 per entry)
- #     RX - reference cross-reference  (>=0 per entry)
- #     RA - reference author(s)        (>=1 per entry)
- #     RG - reference group            (>=0 per entry)
- #     RT - reference title            (>=1 per entry)
- #     RL - reference location         (>=1 per entry)
- #     DR - database cross-reference   (>=0 per entry)
- #     FH - feature table header       (0 or 2 per entry)
- #     FT - feature table data         (>=0 per entry)
- #     CC - comments or notes          (>=0 per entry)
- #     XX - spacer line                (many per entry)
- #     SQ - sequence header            (1 per entry)
- #     bb - (blanks) sequence data     (>=1 per entry)
- #     // - termination line           (ends each entry; 1 per entry)
- =begin
- = Bio::EMBL::Common
- This module defines a common framework among EMBL, SWISS-PROT, TrEMBL.
- For more details, see the documentations in each embl/*.rb libraries.
- --- Bio::EMBL::Common::DELIMITER
- --- Bio::EMBL::Common::RS
- --- Bio::EMBL::Common::TAGSIZE
- --- Bio::EMBL::Common#ac
-                     #accessions
- --- Bio::EMBL::Common#accession
- --- Bio::EMBL::Common#de
-                     #description
-                     #definition
- --- Bio::EMBL::Common#os
- --- Bio::EMBL::Common#og
- --- Bio::EMBL::Common#oc
- --- Bio::EMBL::Common#kw
-                     #keywords
- --- Bio::EMBL::Common#ref
-         Reterns R* lines in hsh w/in ary.
- --- Bio::EMBL::Common#references
-         Retruns Bio::References.
- --- Bio::EMBL::Common#dr
- =end
--- 318,322 ----
  end # module Common
! end # class EMBLDB
  end # module Bio

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