[BioRuby-cvs] bioruby/test/unit/bio/db/embl test_uniprot.rb, 1.2, 1.3

Mitsuteru C. Nakao nakao at pub.open-bio.org
Sun Dec 18 12:43:53 EST 2005

Update of /home/repository/bioruby/bioruby/test/unit/bio/db/embl
In directory pub.open-bio.org:/tmp/cvs-serv30040/test/unit/bio/db/embl

Modified Files:
Log Message:
* Removed redundunt test codes.

Index: test_uniprot.rb
RCS file: /home/repository/bioruby/bioruby/test/unit/bio/db/embl/test_uniprot.rb,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C2 -d -r1.2 -r1.3
*** test_uniprot.rb	23 Nov 2005 10:12:09 -0000	1.2
--- test_uniprot.rb	18 Dec 2005 17:43:51 -0000	1.3
*** 37,170 ****
-     def test_id_line
-       assert(@obj.id_line)
-     end
-     def test_id_line_entry_name
-       assert_equal('P53_HUMAN', @obj.id_line('ENTRY_NAME'))
-     end   
-     def test_id_line_data_class
-       assert_equal('STANDARD', @obj.id_line('DATA_CLASS'))
-     end
-     def test_id_line_molecule_type
-       assert_equal('PRT', @obj.id_line('MOLECULE_TYPE'))
-     end
-     def test_id_line_sequence_length
-       assert_equal(393, @obj.id_line('SEQUENCE_LENGTH'))
-     end
-     def test_ac
-       assert_equal([], @obj.ac)
-       assert_equal([], @obj.acccessions)
-     end
-     def test_accession
-       assert_equal('', @obj.accession)
-     end
-     def test_de
-       assert(@obj.de)
-     end
-     def test_protein_name
-       assert_equal("Cellular tumor antigen p53", @obj.protein_name)
-     end
-     def test_synonyms
-       assert_equal(["Tumor suppressor p53", "Phosphoprotein p53", "Antigen NY-CO-13"], @obj.synonyms)
-     end
-     def test_gn
-       assert_equal([{:orfs=>[], :synonyms=>["P53"], :name=>"TP53", :loci=>[]}], @obj.gn)
-     end
-     def test_gn_uniprot_parser
-       gn_uniprot_data = ''
-       assert_equal('', @obj.instance_eval(gn_uniprot_parser(gn_uniprot_data)))
-     end
- #     def test_gn_old_parser
- #       gn_old_data = ''
- #       assert_equal('', @obj.instance_eval(gn_old_parser(gn_old_data)))
- #     end
-     def test_gene_names
-       assert_equal(["TP53"], @obj.gene_names)
-     end
      def test_gene_name
        assert_equal('TP53', @obj.gene_name)
-     def test_os
-       assert(@obj.os)
-     end
-     def test_os_access
-       assert_equal({'name' => '', 'os' => ''}, @obj.os(1))
-     end
-     def test_os_access2
-       assert_equal({}, @obj.os[1])
-     end
-     def test_cc
-       data = ''
-       assert_equal('', @obj.instance_eval(cc_scan_alternative_products(data)))
-       data = ''
-       assert_equal('', @obj.instance_eval(cc_scan_database(data)))
-       data = ''
-       assert_equal('', @obj.instance_eval(cc_scan_mass_spectorometry(data)))
-       assert_equal([], @obj.cc)
-     end
-     def test_cc_database
-       assert_equal([], @obj.cc('DATABASE'))
-     end
-     def test_cc_alternative_products
-       assert_equal({}, @obj.cc('ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS'))
-     end
-     def test_cc_mass_spectrometry
-       assert_equal([], @obj.cc('MASS SPECTROMETRY'))
-     end
-     def test_cc_interaction
-       data =<<END
- CC       P46527:CDKN1B; NbExp=1; IntAct=EBI-359815, EBI-519280;
- CC       Q99759:MAP3K3; NbExp=1; IntAct=EBI-359815, EBI-307281;
- CC       P04049:RAF1; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-359815, EBI-365996;
-       @obj.instance_eval('@orig["CC"] = "#{data}"')
-       assert_equal('', @obj.cc('INTERACTION'))
-     end
-     def test_kw
-     end
-     def test_ft
-       assert(@obj.ft)
-       name = 'DNA_BIND'
-       assert_equal([], @obj.ft(name))
-     end
-     def test_sq_mw
-       mw = 43653
-       assert_equal(mw, @obj.sq('mw'))
-       assert_equal(mw, @obj.sq('molecular'))
-       assert_equal(mw, @obj.sq('weight'))
-     end
-     def test_sq_len
-       length = 393
-       assert_equal(length, @obj.sq('len'))
-       assert_equal(length, @obj.sq('length'))
-       assert_equal(length, @obj.sq('AA'))
-     end
-     def test_seq
-       assert_equal(seq, @obj.seq)
-       assert_equal(seq, @obj.aaseq)
-     end
--- 37,44 ----

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