[Biopython] Biopython 1.77 plans

Peter Cock p.j.a.cock at googlemail.com
Tue Jan 7 16:14:57 UTC 2020

Dear Biopytoneers,

Biopython 1.76 released 20 December 2019 was our last release to
support Python 2, although surprisingly the same day it was announced
that Python 2.7 got a last minute support extension until April 2020:


Since then we've been busy removing legacy code and workarounds needed
for Python 2 in Biopython, focussed on supporting Python 3.6 or later
only. At the current rate, we'll have finished the bulk of that work
later this month.

Another milestone in sight is adoption of the black style for our
source code (although the tests will take a while longer).


While neither of these goals in themselves adds any new functionality,
I think that would be a good point to release Biopython 1.77 - perhaps
early February 2020?

Are there any other new things people are working on, or important bug
fixes we should wait for?


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