[Biopython] Genome browser for BioPython annotations

Spencer Bliven spencer.bliven at gmail.com
Wed Apr 26 14:01:53 UTC 2017

I'm trying to compare sequence annotations from a few sources. I'm currently displaying the annotations as different tracks in a GenomeDiagram. However, I occasionally need single-base resolution, and I'm not aware of any options in GenomeDiagram for displaying the sequence. It would also be nice to have some user interaction (zooming, toggling tracks, etc), e.g. as a jupyter widget.

My ideal would be a html/javascript genome browser that had been wrapped up as a jupyter widget and would accept SeqRecord objects as the datasource and display any SeqFeatures. There appears to be a project based off BioJulia to display the Dalliance browser (https://github.com/BioJulia/Dalliance.jl/blob/master/src/Dalliance.jl), but dalliance isn't really suited for light-weight visualization. Is anyone aware of similar projects for BioPython? Are there other tools that might be useful in visualizing the positions of SeqFeatures at a detailed level?

BTW, I was a bit surprised at how much code it took to add BioPython objects to a GenomeDiagram. No doubt this is due to the package history. Would there be interest in tighter integration of GenomeDiagram into BioPython?

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