[Biopython] Sigil color SOLID instead of transparent

Asma Riyaz asmariyaz23 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 2 18:58:55 UTC 2014


I am using Genome Diagram to draw features on tracks, and I need to know if
there is a way to make the sigil color solid instead of transparent. Since
BIGARROW sigil is what I prefer the track line behind each feature is

Since colors for this module are derived from ReportLab, I tried to
investigate if there is something that I can use, this is where I reached:

from reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas
c = Canvas(filename,pagesize=(400,200))
c.drawString(25,180, *'solid'*)

However to use this property* 'solid'*, drawstring needs to be used which
is a property of canvas.

What can I do to over ride the default property of transparency for sigil
colors? Any Inputs?

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