[Biopython] NCBIXML: hit start and end

Wibowo Arindrarto w.arindrarto at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 07:04:02 UTC 2013

Hi Mic,

> How do I get hsp->start('hit') and hsp->end('hit') from the bioperl code in
> Biopython?

With NCBIXML, they should be hsp.sbjct_start and hsp.sbjct_end respectively.

> Why does blast_record.query appears immediately in sequence and not after
> the other two for loops has finished?

It may be because the first three queries in your BLAST XML results
(XA10_v3.0-snap.{1..3}) do not have any hits and hsps. Check with your
XML  results to be sure.

Hope that helps :),

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