[Biopython] Save custom structure...

Yasser Almeida Hernández pedro.al at fenhi.uh.cu
Wed Jan 6 15:26:24 UTC 2010

You thought right!! But my big doubt is how to use the Select class.  
The example with the Gly selection in the FAQ document is not so clear  
to me to apply on my problem.
Let's say:
I've selected the ASP 10 in the chain 'A' and the atom O1 in a ligand,  
all in the pdb file 1xyz. How i use the Select class (sintaxis) to  
write a new pdb file with only the residue/atom selected before? How  
would be the code?


> Perhaps I had misunderstood - I thought you were starting
> with a given PDB file, and wanted to select some particular
> residues/atoms, and output a new partial PDB file with just
> those bits. That should work using a Select class to create
> a sub-structure from the original full structure from parsing
> the original PDF file. i.e You don't need to create a new
> structure object "de novo".

Lic. Yasser Almeida Hernández
Center of Molecular Inmunology (CIM)
Nanobiology Group
P.O.Box 16040, Havana, Cuba
Phone: (537) 271-7933, ext. 221

Correo FENHI

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