[Biopython] Is there any Entrez Gene parser out there?

David Winter winda002 at student.otago.ac.nz
Tue Oct 13 23:37:52 UTC 2009

On Wed, 14 Oct 2009 11:45:13 Carlos Javier Borroto wrote:
> Do biopython have a parser for Entrez Gene?, Does someone know if
> there is any python parser for this database at all?
> I see there is one on Bioperl, but I'll be happy if I can stick to python.

Hi Carlos,

I don't have much experience with the Entrez module, so this might not be the 
best way (I thought I should reply before you where forced to resort to Perl 

If you use Bio.Entrez.esummary() you can get a list of python dictionaries for 
a given record. Something like this:

>>> Entrez.email = "you at someplace"
>>> query = Entrez.esummary(db="gene", id="641535")
>>> record = Entrez.read(query)
>>> record
[{'Mim': [], 'Orgname': 'Tribolium castaneum', 'TaxID': 7070 ...
>>>for field in record:
...     print field["Chromosome"]

There's also documentation in the tutorial and a related cookbook example on 
the wiki:



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