[BioPython] calculate F-Statistics from SNP data

m at pavis.biodec.com m at pavis.biodec.com
Thu Oct 23 10:25:45 UTC 2008

* Giovanni Marco Dall'Olio (dalloliogm at gmail.com) [081022 19:12]:
> I was also thinking of starting using a database to store data, instead of
> files. This would probably solve the problem of out of memory when parsing
> those long files.

If you just need to store data, i.e. you just need a thin layer above
file storage, I'd suggest evaluating ZODB

It's very simple, somehow pythonic, and you don't need to learn SQL to
manage the data (of course, SQL is just fine, and from a real DB you get
much more than just data storage, but since you are just writing about
alternatives to file storage, I assume that SQL would not be a plus)


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