[BioPython] Bio.EUtils deprecated in favour of Bio.Entrez

Peter biopython at maubp.freeserve.co.uk
Sun Aug 17 13:05:52 UTC 2008

Dear all,

I've just deprecated Bio.EUtils in CVS, leaving Bio.Entrez as
Biopython's preferred interface to the NCBI "Entrez Programming
Utilities" also known as EUtils.

If anyone is currently using Bio.EUtils, then we'd like to hear from
you.  It should be possible to offer advice on migrating your code to
Bio.Entrez.  Also, up until the next Biopython release, we can still
reconsider deprecating Bio.EUtils if there is some major functionality
that would be lost, or users that would be inconvenienced by its
premature retirement.

Thank you,


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