[BioPython] script to extract records from nucleotide database

Peter biopython at maubp.freeserve.co.uk
Wed Nov 14 21:43:36 UTC 2007

Iddo Friedberg wrote:
> The culprit code in Bio/FormatIO ...

We've removed Bio.FormatIO for Biopython 1.44 (in favour of Bio.SeqIO).
It was a input/output framework based on Martel "regular expressions" to 
describe file formats.

> 1) Can I have the offending code that started all this? (I'm a bit late in
> the game, I know)

I think it was an innocent looking "from Bio import GenBank", which I 
have never seen cause this error before. Hence my wondering if there was 
an installation problem (e.g. a partial installation).

> 2) What is (was) Bio.formats? has it been replaced by something else?
> 3) What is this registry thingy? We need it?

I think Bio.formats and the registry thing are all tied together with 
code in Bio/formatdefs,  Bio/config etc.  Its all very complicated, and 
doesn't seem to be much documented.


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