[BioPython] Minor GenBank Parsing Problems

Jan T. Kim jtk at cmp.uea.ac.uk
Mon Mar 7 12:02:45 EST 2005

Dear All,

I have noticed the following problems with the Bio.GenBank.FeatureParser:

    * The parser appears to depend on additional information in the
      LOCUS line, it works with

        LOCUS       U00096               4639675 bp    DNA     circular BCT 24-JUN-2004
      while the undecorated line

        LOCUS       U00096

      results in a Martel.Parser.ParserPositionException.

    * The parser also doesn't like some accession types, the line

        ACCESSION   U00096 AE000111-AE000510

      while trimming that to

        ACCESSION   U00096

      results in a file that now parses ok.

Are these known problems? I would assume that this could be fixed by
modifying some regular expressions somewhere in the parser. Should I
try to look into this?

Best regards, Jan
 +- Jan T. Kim -------------------------------------------------------+
 |    *NEW*    email: jtk at cmp.uea.ac.uk                               |
 |    *NEW*    WWW:   http://www.cmp.uea.ac.uk/people/jtk             |
 *-----=<  hierarchical systems are for files, not for humans  >=-----*

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