[BioPython] python newbies blast problem

h.j.tipney at stud.man.ac.uk h.j.tipney at stud.man.ac.uk
Mon Jul 12 10:34:27 EDT 2004

I'm hoping someone can help me. I'm very new to programming and 
even newer to python, so I apologise in advance if this is a simple 
problem with an obvious solution but there are no python 
programmers near to help me.
Anyway, I inherited the script below and have been using it on and 
off as part of a larger workflow. It has been running fine, but I ran it 
again last week and it didn't give the output I expected - it returned 
the 'your results will be updated in X seconds' page rather than the 
actual results. It has been a while since I had used this program and 
both blast and biopython had been updated so I've now got the new 
biopython release (1.30) but I still get the 'wrong' output.
I'm using python 2.3.3 on solaris, if that helps.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance
Hannah Tipney

    from Bio import Fasta
    from Bio.Blast import NCBIWWW
    import sys
    import getopt

    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"",['program=','database=','format=','entrez_query='])

    print sys.argv
    print opts

    if len(args)==0:
        print "no file given"

    program = "blastn"
    database = "nr"
    format = "Text"
    #"Homo sapiens [ORGN]"


    for o,a in opts:
        print o,a
        if o == "--program":
            program = a
        if o == "--database":
            database = a
        if o == "--format":
            format = a
        if o == "--entrez_query":
    	short_query = a
    if short_query=="human":
        query="Homo sapiens [ORGN]"

    print "program = %s , database = %s, query = %s" % (program,database,query)

    file_for_blast = open(args[0], 'r')
    f_iterator = Fasta.Iterator(file_for_blast)

    f_record = f_iterator.next()
    b_results = NCBIWWW.blast(program, database, f_record,format_type=format, 

    blast_results = b_results.read()

Hannah Tipney
Manchester University,
Academic Unit of Medical Genetics,
St Mary's Hospital,
Hathersage Road,
Manchester. M13 0JH. 

tel: +44 (0)161 276 6602
fax: +44 (0)161 276 6606

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