[BioPython] "Biopunk"

Alex Lancaster alexl@users.sourceforge.net
19 Oct 2001 14:38:15 -0700

>>>>> "AD" == Andrew Dalke <adalke@mindspring.com> writes:

AD> Humourous term from the San Francisco Bay Guardian - "biopunk."
AD> http://www.sfbg.com/SFLife/tech/71.html

>> Biopunks are the visionaries and biotech wizards whose imaginations
>> were set on fire by the knowledge that scientists had finally
>> sequenced the human genome last year. Biopunks get off on creative
>> genetic engineering, RNA research, cloning, and protein
>> synthesis. Biopunks hack genomic data, lining up human genomes next
>> to mouse genomes to find out what the two species have in common
>> and what they don't (surprise: they have way more in common than
>> you could possibly ever imagine)

AD> So should we spike and dye our hair, and wear studded leather for
AD> the next BOSC conference?  :)

I read this when it first came out in the Bay Guardian, cut it out and
stuck in my office on campus, but so far it's only got the odd curious
and amused glance, perhaps I should wear all-black on more days of the
week. ;-)
